Chapter Forty One - Part One

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Chapter Forty One: Heroes and Villains - Part One 

Rock walls surrounded the damp room. Firelight came through the heavy iron bars of the cell, from a sconce on the corridor beyond, sending shadows wavering over the rock. The glistening walls reminded James of his time in the Grillock Caves. They were a stark contrast to the smooth rock inside Mount Volton, his old sanctuary just outside of Tyken Town. He missed being back there, to feel safe again, when things were simpler. For the longest time it had been the closest feeling of home James had known – before he had found a stronger sense of belonging in the Oneron outpost. Now he wasn't sure if he would ever go back there again.

He sighed and sat back against the wall, bringing his knees up against his clasped hands, and grimaced from his injuries. How long had he been there now? Two hours? Four? For all he knew it could be the next day. He vaguely recalled being dragged down into this cave room, under the iron forge, and before that he thought he had seen Oneron soldiers appear in the courtyard and fight back Jaxx's men. He had drifted in and out of consciousness for some time.

Two guards were stationed beyond his cell, but they only ignored him and stared ahead. All James really knew was that he was beaten, bloodied, bruised, and his entire body ached. There was nothing to do but await his fate, and he hated that.

He hated feeling so helpless. Being so helpless. He wasn't surprised that he would get himself taken by the enemy. A constant drip of water nearby echoed through the corridor. It seemed to grow louder with each drop, and now felt as though it could bore into James's skull. He buried his head in his knees and let out another frustrated sigh.

Sam and the others would be coming for him. He knew it. He had to believe that they made it away from the forge, and weren't also prisoners somewhere nearby.

The incessant dripping echoes sent a shiver over him.

His captors had taken everything from him. He hated himself for losing his grapple hook, and the photo of his father, and promised himself he would get them back. They must have deemed his toughlets harmless, and left them on him. James was at least thankful for the comfort of their weight on his forearms.

Movement came from nearby; shifting boots, and then the low tones of a keypad being pressed. James lifted his head to see three figures by the entrance. The cell doors swung open with a grating whine as the guards stepped back, and Higero Jaxx entered.

James stared, remaining still, his clasped hands tightening. Jaxx's suit and polished shoes contrasted with the muddy surroundings, making him look very out of place. James could now easily see past Jaxx's well-composed exterior and see him for the monster he was.

"How is our guest?" Jaxx said quietly. He came to a stop several feet away, before a pool of muddy water.

"You mean prisoner?" James said, finding his voice hoarse.

Jaxx nodded. "I suppose that is correct. I hope you understand this is just a precaution. I can't have you freely exploring the forge, and I needed some leverage against your friends. It's nothing personal. But..." He carefully stepped over the pool and squatted in front of James, meeting his gaze. Jaxx's reptilian eyes had a golden sheen, and the firelight highlighted the scales of his dark skin. "You know, James, you are a fascinating man. I'm surprised it took me so long to notice."

James licked a dry cut on his lip and remained silent.

"You seemed ordinary enough on record," Jaxx said. "Simple upbringing on Caplia. Rileforth Pilot Academy. Allied Starfield Academy. Five years' service on board The Keystone ship, with high honours. Several campaigns with the Daeyan military. Then things went quiet, a few years back. It took some digging to find out about the Dagredda Valley Attack. The local hospitals there have you on record as deceased. Even the Daeyan and Avancheon's records have you as Killed in Action."

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