Chapter Six - Part One

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Chapter Six - The Carnan Sand Dunes - Part One 

Farther away from the caves, Evan helped James lay Sam's unconscious body on the sandy ground. James dropped to his knees and checked on the Oneron soldier, while Evan caught his breath. The bright daylight did little to ease his tension and adrenaline, images of the large shadow beasts flashing through his mind. Evan told himself they were safe now, out in the open. He just hoped it were true.

Sam's chest moved slightly, showing weak signs of life, his eyes remaining closed. The bleeding from the long gashes in his shoulder had mostly stopped, thought a pool had gathered under him, seeping into the cracked earth.

"Sam," James said, a hand on Sam's chest. "Sam, can you hear me?"

Moaning softly, Sam's head slowly moved.

Relief washed over Evan as Sam opened his eyes, blinking back the bright daylight.

"I'm... I'm fine," Sam said weakly. He attempted to rise, though James held him down gently.

"Wait, Sam," James said. "Just take a minute. You passed out."

Evan stepped back and studied the surrounding sand dunes. They stood on a rocky ledge overlooking the rolling hills, low mountains stretching in the far distance. The sun was blurred behind a curtain of red dust that spread along the horizon, the aftermath of the storm that had ravaged the land overnight. Evan let the weak sun sooth him, calming his own breath.

When James glanced back towards the caves and shivered, Evan saw the look of fear and uncertainty in his pained expression. Evan shook his head at the weakness James displayed. Their saviour had admittedly handled himself well in the caves, jumping on that serpent, although Evan could still see the doubts and inabilities of their soft hero. He could see it better than most.

Sam had acted stronger; at least he appeared to be a competent fighter. That wall of fire he had conjured was an impressively powerful act of sorcery, especially given his fatigue and injury.

Evan sighed with weariness. He should help Sam. Although in the moment he could hardly stand himself. "Let me see him," he said. "Sorcery should not be attempted with a weary mind. However I can ease his pain for now."

Evan went to his knees beside Sam. James watched him eagerly, and also with a sense of uncertainty.

Evan held a hand over Sam's injured shoulder, inches from the wounds. He managed to focus enough to channel his healing arts within his hand, feeling the energy flow through him, and pressed his hand firmly onto Sam. A burst of green light expanded from the contact, dissipating in the air in wispy tendrils. Sam's cried out, his back arching up, and then he dropped and became silent.

"Give him a moment," Evan said. He lay down on the ground, beside Sam, and caught his breath. He felt as though he had been running non-stop for an entire day.

It wasn't until Evan opened his eyes that he realised he had fallen asleep. Possibly passed out. James stood nearby, surveying the landscape. Sam was asleep beside Evan.

Evan rose onto an elbow. "How long...?"

James came to him. "Just a few minutes. Are you okay?"

Evan nodded and felt his head throb. "We must leave here. We cannot linger."

A weak groan came from Sam. He slowly lifted his head and turned onto his good shoulder, wincing. "Evan's... right. We should go."

"Sam," James said. "Can you walk? You look half-dead."

Sam attempted to stand, before James helped him the rest of the way. Evan rose to his feet also, stumbling and fighting the dizziness in his head. James lay a hand on Evan's elbow, helping steady him.

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