Chapter Nine - Part Two

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Chapter Nine: Sword Training - Part Two 

"It's completely different, and exactly the same," Sam said. "It's a tricky thing to explain, but you'll understand better with more training." Sam raised his sword. "Now, if I come at you from above, and you block it."

James raised his sword horizontally as Sam brought his sword down vertically.

"That's good," Sam said. "But, look, your body is open now."

Holding the pose with his sword at eye level, James could see that Sam was right.

"Rather than just blocking the blow, you can push the opponent's sword away, while bringing yours back to cover your body."

"The Sel'vyanni Oktai," Evan said to them. "The push and pull. Defence with offense. The Voarn have a similar technique."

"Exactly," Sam said. "Offense with defence. You can turn a block into an attack. That way you are attacking with almost every strike."

"Sounds good in theory," James said, steadying his breath as he returned to his stance.

Sam called out adjustments as they went, until he was happy with James's actions.

"Blocking with my toughlets has proved useful up to now," James said between sequences.

"Against blunt weapons, aye," Sam said, relaxing his pose. "Even the grillock's claws could barely penetrate the metal. But a sword is far more powerful and capable than you might think. A trained strike could cut through a Rimas toughlet and sever your arm too. An average blade is made from a reinforced tetra-steel, an advanced alloy, and in the hands of a master can penetrate most standard armour. Your Tridonite is perhaps not the best example of a master sword, but it'll serve its purpose to train you for now."

"And yours, Sam?" James asked. "Where did you get your sword from?"

Sam shifted his blade in the sunlight, admiring it. "Ellie was a gift from Aan Amos, a talented sword maker in Tyken Town. He's now retired, but he found it in himself to make this one, just for me." The light caught a cluster of blisters on the metal, causing Sam to frown. "That serpent's venom was quite something, though," he muttered.

James had expected Sam to tell him his sword had been a family for heirloom, or that it was a special Oneron blade of some kind. A legendary sword worthy of a war hero. But to hear it was made by a local in Tyken Town, and likely not too long ago, surprised him.

"And if someone shoots at us?" James asked. "What good would a sword be then?"

"Then you throw sorcery at them," Evan said from the side. "Destroy their weapons. Sway the battle in your favour."

Sam nodded. "Right, there's always that." He gestured with his sword as he spoke. "Swords have been a staple of armies and wars for centuries. Even with laser fire all around you, a trained soldier can be deadlier than most armaments. A sword can withstand most gun blasts, and some can even deflect projectiles back. And that's without using personal energy shields, or a physical shield in hand. Some of the more expensive swords come with a light shield barrier."

"Right," James said. "I've read about a few battles, like the Zell Wars. They said that magic and swords were the most widely used weapons in those wars, more so than armaments."

Sam nodded. "We've come a long way since the Break. Back when artillery could destroy entire planets."

Sam flourished his sword and resumed his battle stance. "Back to it." He went on to show James how to block attacks from the side, and how to twist the blades away for him to set up a counter strike. He noted how these actions worked for swords, knives, staffs and batons, the four most common melee weapons.

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