Chapter Eight - Part One

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Chapter Eight: The Seven Keys - Part One 

The heavy doors of the tavern gave way to a large, open room. A dull, red-brown wood made up the floorboards and the walls, with slow-moving fans on the high ceiling. A staircase was in each far corner, curving up to a second floor walkway lined with doors. A few people sat at the round tables that made up the bulk of the tavern floor.

James, Sam and Evan descended several steps from the doorway to the lowered ground. High up on the walls, tall windows let a dull light into the room, swarms of dust motes revealed through the sun rays. The air smelled of stale beer and sweat, reminding James of a long-abandoned distillery he had helped re-develop in Tyken Town.

"I'll get us some drinks," Sam said as he headed towards the bar at the far end, between the staircases.

James led Evan to a square table against the side wall, near a pillar. His sword bashed a chair as they passed, and he had to adjust its position, almost knocking over another chair. The shifting sounds drew a few looks, which caused James to turn away embarrassedly. He would have to get used to carrying a sword.

He sat down opposite Evan, and immediately became aware of being alone with the Voarn. He wondered if Evan would even talk to him. A corroded section of an engine hung on the wall by their table, one of many peculiar adornments around the tavern.

Looking around, a sense of calm came over James. He appreciated the quieter, slower-paced atmosphere in the old-town tavern.

The way Evan was sitting, shoulders high and palms pressed against the wooden table, reminded James of a cat ready to pounce.

He considered making small-talk with Evan, but still did not know where he stood with him. Evan had made it clear that he thought little of James, whom he had once considered to be his saviour and chosen hero of the gods. James had never been good with talking to people. He had spent so long hiding his memory loss from people, that he had found it hard to really speak openly with anyone, and he had kept them all at a distance while being polite and helpful. That's how Tam had taught him to be. Polite and helpful.

"What do you think of the place?" James asked, deciding to try a conversation.

Evan gave him a blank look. "It is... very local."

James wasn't sure what to make of that. "And.. how about everything else? I know this is all new for you. First time on this planet, Carnan. First time seeing what it's like outside of Tyken Town. Toolin is a lot less built up."

Evan nodded. "I do appreciate it's simplicity. And I do find it all..." He regarded James, perhaps assessing whether it were worth his time to share his thoughts or not. Finally he said, "It is a far cry from my homeland. Many oddities are here. And I must say, the air of this land is thick and odorous. I had read of such places as this, planets of humans, although had never thought I would visit one like this."

An old Canarrian man was sat with a board on a nearby table. Coloured pieces covered the wooden board, along with two stacks of cards. His gnarled fingers drew a card, which caused him to frown, and then moved several pieces around the board, grumbling under his breath.

"You speak Standard very well," James said to Evan. "I mean, there's no accent or hint of another language. You speak it better than I do."

Evan gave a slow, accepting nod. "We are well educated in Therapia."

James tried not to take that as an insult to the people in Medrapon.

Sam came to them with three metal tankards. He placed them on the table and sat next to Evan. 

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