Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: The Day of Moon Bay

The rocking of Jubile's father's old air cruiser shook Evan from his daydreaming. He turned to his right and looked into the dreamiest, most beautiful eyes he had ever known. In her contentment, Reisa's heavy lids were lowered more than usual and covered half of her dark eyes, her small smile creasing the corners of her mouth. Evan quickly looked away, unable to hold her gaze.

His bare knee was brushed against Reisa's in the confines of the middle seats of the craft, which caused him to sweat more than the warm air warranted. In the twenty-four years he had known Reisa, he had never spent so much time being close to her like this. He was conscious of his red and sweaty face, which prevented him from interacting with her too much and drawing more attention to himself. But there was enough merry talk in the vehicle to avoid any awkward silences, anyway.

In the front passenger seat, Nat looked back over his broad shoulder. He was recalling a funny incident that happened to him a few days back. Jubile, flying the craft, added a comment or two, although it was clear Nat only wanted to be the one talking. Evan noted from Nat's darting eyes that he was mostly looking back to check on him and Reisa, and to keep the attention on himself. Nat loved the attention, almost as much as he loved the sound of his own voice.

Attempting to show Nat that he did not hold everyone's attention, Evan turned away and spared a look behind him. In the back seats, Marassy and Rikan studied the passing sandy hills and clear cream sky. Brilliant sunbursts reflected off the tall metal spires of farmland in the distance.

Even after half a day of travelling, there was an excited energy in the craft. A thrill that only the freedom of being away from adults could give.

And it was a glorious day.

Glorious, although today would have been even better if it had gone ahead like Evan had planned.

He had gone over the moment he'd asked Reisa to the beach with him many times, wondering where he went wrong. She had beamed with joy at the idea, but then frowned at the thought of her strict guardian, Molo, allowing her to go away with her friends. Evan's excitement dropped when he realised that she had thought they would be going with a group of friends, and not just the two of them. That was how she was, sometimes. He would suggest the two of them do something, and she would assume he meant as a group. It seemed to never occur to her to spend time alone with Evan. They were young, still, barely out of their Prime Years, but Evan knew how he felt about her. He'd known for some time.

He had been such an idiot, running around and hastily gathering his friends for an impromptu getaway. The gods favoured their retreat, it seemed, as Evan somehow managed to convince his parents to persuade Molo to allow Reisa to go, and his other friends had no trouble in leaving. It was a fitting end to their Voarn Life studies and the perfect start to the summer. At thirty seven years of age, Evan was finally beginning to feel like he was his own person. A real grown up.

Jubile landed the craft on the rocky shores of The Old Castle Beach. There they all rejoiced in the cool winds that soothed their hot and sweaty bodies. They made their way over the sun-singed rocks that led to the alcove of Moon's Bay.

"'Tis a day to be remembered, young friends," Nat cried out excitedly.

He lumbered about without a shirt, showing off his broad physique and the muscles that had become somewhat defined this past year. Evan made a mental note to start increasing his physical training if he was ever going to outgrow his scrawny physique. Nat had certainly drawn interested eyes from a few girls since he'd filled out.

"Come, come," Jubile called, ushering them forward, his dark curls bouncing with his excited steps. "The gods lead our way. I have heard their call."

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