Chapter Four - Part Two

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Chapter Four: Leap of Faith - Part Two

Reaching the edge, he bent and pushed off with everything he had. The rush of hot wind blew over him as he ascended through the air. Higher and farther he went. Stretching his arms out wide, he felt a strange sense of calm in the air. The impending fall towards the darkness below soon brought him back.

He reached out and his feet landed on the edge of the ground. The momentum threw him forward and he pressed his hands against the wall as he caught himself.

The remaining bridge broke apart with deep, booming cracks and fell into the abyss below.

Sam had a hand on his shoulder and steadied him. He nodded firmly to James.

There was no time for celebration, however. Sam pushed them both into a run down the pathway that lead to the cave opening.

James's heart pounded, feeling like it would burst from his chest. He just about heard Sam call out, "In here."

Debris fell all around in showers of rocks and clouds of dirt as they reached the glowing light of the side opening. Sam paused to wave James in first.

James entered the gap and rounded the corner. He rested against the rock wall, gasping and wincing, as Sam joined him. His heart still pounded furiously. The collapsing cavern thundered from beyond the walls.

Opposite him, Sam's tired face gleamed with sweat in the low light.

"Well that was... something," Sam said breathily.

James lifted his head off the tunnel wall, grimacing with exhaustion. "I have no idea what just happened."

Sam regarded him for a moment. A crooked grin slowly formed, which grew into a beaming smile. He burst into laughter. James was taken aback, but then couldn't help but also laugh, somewhat more hysterically.

"That was some jump," Sam said between laughs.

James shook his head, sighing. "I... you were right. It was easier than I thought. Somehow. All this time..." he left the rest in his tired mind.

"We'll make an Oneron out of you yet," Sam said, clapping James's arm.

Another booming crash came from the cavern. The tunnel had a thick, hot air to it. The orange glow coming from somewhere around the corner made James absently think of firelight.

"Any idea why that place just collapsed?" James asked.

"I've heard of Phase Dragon's before. They're said to be able to cross through places, and time. I don't know if they ever truly existed, but I think that's where the idea of dragons being eternal came from."

"What do you mean, dragons being eternal?"

Sam shrugged. "Some say that dragon's spirits never go away. They exist for all of time. And throughout time."

James shook his head with exhaustion. "I won't even pretend to understand any of that."

"Come on," Sam said, gesturing to the side. "Let's see where this light goes."

They set off into the winding tunnel towards the orange light , which James had decided must have been coming from a fire. He wiped his brow and the sweat dripped from his hands.

Muffled sounds carried in the air. Possibly voices. James picked out the crackling of a fire. A grunt followed a rattling hiss and something solid hit the ground.

"That's Evan," Sam said, breaking into a run.

James ran behind him, and also picked out Evan's voice among the chaos.

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