Chapter 20

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Farbauti had tried speaking to Loki after the meeting with the other kings' realms ended, but the young prince refused to speak to her. She wasn't his mother and she will never be- Loki thought or like he had told her whenever she tried to speak to him.

Freyr had tried to reason with him, to give her a chance.

"I know it is a lot, Loki." Freyr had said softly when they had left the throne hall. "And that she had appeared from nowhere in your life, but she wasn't lying, she is your true mother."

"Frigga Fjorgynn is my mother, uncle Freyr."

"I know and she will always be even after Farbauti knew that you were alive. She will always be your mother, Loki." Freyr said. "But You could give Farbauti a chance-"

"She said she left me at the temple to protect me."

"I am sorry, Loki but I think she wasn't lying." Freyr said softly. "Maybe Odin really thought that they left you there alone."

Loki didn't know if Farbauti was telling the truth or not, because the idea of his true parents abandoning him was drilled into his mind- refusing to leave it. He didn't know if he would be able to see her as his mother after Frigga being his mother these whole centuries

So, he pushed these thoughts at the back of his mind. There is no time to think about them at this moment because Heimdall had informed them hastily that the Mad Titan was approaching now with more speed than before.

"I could see him grinning as if he could see my face," a haunted look was written on Hemidall's face- it was as if history was repeating itself.

They had sent messengers to the kings of the other realms to send the rest of their warriors to Asgard on the day that Heimdall had informed them.

So when Dawn broke on the third day on Asgard after gathering the warriors, Out of the abyss came the army of Thanos emerged, to win this second battle against the realms and cast a Shadow across their inhabitants; to usher in an Age where the wails of suffering would go unheard.

"My son, please I don't want to lose you again," Frigga cupped Loki's cheeks as she gazed at her son. Tears glistened in her beautiful eyes, threatening to fall. She and the witches of Asgard will not engage in the middle of the battle because it was decided that they would protect the city of Asgard and its people from any damage that could be inflicted by Thanos and his army.

"I promise, mother."

I don't know if I would come out of this alive- Loki thought.

He could hear the shouting and the yelling of the warriors behind him- everything was too soon, facing his worst nightmares. He didn't know if he would be able to face Thanos and not cower in fear at the sight of him.

"The warriors are getting bored and they will leave," he tried to crack a joke, but his smile came out as a grimace.

"Waiting for their commander-"

"Thor is already at the front, mother."

"Both of you, Loki," the queen smiled softly at him, tears were falling down her face.

Oh Norns, please let them be safe. Her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest, she was truly afraid it was going to stop. Please bring them back to me, please- Frigga prayed in her mind.

"You will always be side by side, my prince," she continued softly.

"Mother-" Loki's words were cut off by the blaring sound of the battle horns-

The enemy was near.

"I must go now, mother," Loki said, kissing her forehead.

Frigga took a deep breath, then nodded at her son and with a final look at him, she made her way to the rest of the witches in front of the gates of the city -

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