Chapter 7

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From the moment Thor reached Asgard, he could sense there was something wrong. 

"My prince, " Hemidall had greeted him, but worry was visible on his face and his body with tense. He knows that Heimdall knows about the whispers between the Aesir but Did the Aesir start the revolution against the king? Thor had told Sigyn that he would take Loki to safety and then return back. 

"Did something happen, Hemidall? " The worry began to seep into Thor's voice. 

"No, my Prince. " a pause then Hemidall continued. "But the conditions in Asgard are getting worse. People don't want the All-father on the throne of Asgard. "

Thor looked at him to continue because he was certain that Heimdall already knew that Thor knew about all of this, there is something else. 

"There are whispers among the Seiðr masters about the invasion of Prince Loki on Midgard. They are certain that there is someone behind it, not just Prince Loki. " Hemidall said. "They are enraged at the idea of Prince Loki being devoured by the void and likely fell in the hands of monsters. "

"What are you not saying Hemidall? " Thor demanded. 

"They seek revenge, my Prince. " Heimdall said, his gaze was settled on the void. "Many of them have started searching. A war may be coming with a being no one knows except Prince Loki. "

That's why Thor found himself surrounded by Odin's trusted council to see what they will do with the problems arising in Asgard. The meeting was held in Gylfaginning which was located in Iðavöllr in Asgard. 

The thirteen high seats were occupied by the members of the council, including Thor. His mother wasn't with him because she had announced another meeting (—which Frigga had prepared for while Thor was in Midgard) in the palace with her handmaidens. 

Thor felt nervous as he looked at the faces of the council members, he never really liked those meetings and he only spoke when someone spoke with him. Loki is the expert in these political meetings. 

"The whispers have reached Alfheim about what Odin—" Freyr, Thor's uncle, said. His lip curled in a sneer as he mentioned Odin's name. Thor's uncle has never liked Odin after what happened in the Aftermath of the Aesir-Vanir war, taking him from his home realm and making him as his puppet on the throne of Alfheim. He was grateful for the elves because they accepted him, but it was his birthright to be Vanaheim's king. The Vanir are still waiting for him to return. His gaze settled on Njord for a second and then it returned back to Thor. "About what he did to my nephew, are they true, prince Thor?  " he was enraged, he wanted to rip Odin's throat for harming his nephew, but he at that moment didn't want to cause a war between the realms. 

The way his lips were sewn shut and the bruises that decorated his body — Thor tried to banish the image from his mind. 

"Fath—" Thor stopped, and closed his eyes to compose himself in front of the council. "Unfortunately that was true." he said, regretting leaving his brother in the hands of Odin. 

"He deserved every punishment inflicted on him. " Víðarr spat, he never really liked Loki for using womanly arts in the battle. "That ergi."

"Have care how you speak about my nephew, Víðarr. " Freyr glared at him from his seat. But before Víðarr responded, Freyr turned his attention to Thor. "Some members in this council are acting as blind fools to Odin's mistake. Is it wise to hold a meeting with people who are still on Odin's side , Prince Thor?" He said calmly and he fought the smirk that wanted to appear on his face because he knew what Thor would say. He could read it on his face. 

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