Chapter 13

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"Season 2, episode 21–" the hint of excitement could be heard through the words that came out of the young girl.

It was a night like every night when the little family gathered in front of T.V. to watch English movies or series not fazed by the bullets and the flames outside — they were in the middle of a war zone, but the family was trying to live normally together.

"Dick Van Dyke again? Always “sitcom, sitcom, sitcom—" the young boy complained at his sister's choice, but he giggled when the show started. He loved this show like his sister, but he complained because he wanted to tease her.

The little girl was simply enjoying the company of her family — she loved anything that let them spend time together, but she didn't know that night would be the most dreadful night of her life — the night that changed everything.

—An explosion made her lose two of the most important people in her life.

Wanda still woke up, gasping from her nightmares at the sound of the explosions, even though she didn't see the bodies of her parents because she and Pietro were hiding under a bed, she could remember a bomb landing next to them with the logo Stark industries on it which didn't blow up back then and she didn't know why, but when she and Pietro knew that they have mutant powers — she knew why the bomb didn't blow.

After several months of surviving on their own in the woods, the twins entered a nearby town to maybe try to steal some food or anything — sometimes they can go the whole day without food or only eat little in a day. The Maximoff twins were wandering the streets looking for anything to steal, both of them waiting for the other  to make the first move, but they were both afraid of getting caught and they had never stolen before.

They caught sight of a man and a woman standing in front of a clothes store, both of them looked rich and what made Wanda sure of that is the gold watch the man retrieved from his pockets and then put it back. And when Pietro looked at Wanda, she knew that her brother was on the same page.

Young Pietro nodded at Wanda and then in one second, he used his speed to run and steal the watch, but when he grabbed it from the man's pocket, Wanda didn't have time to escape because another man took hold of her wrist and yelled to the rich man who looked dazed at the sudden gust of wind that hit him —

"Hey! Her brother stole something from you." The man dragged Wanda, he was watching them and was surprised when the boy ran, he was so fast — maybe faster than sound.

(—Was he cursed?" The man thought. "Are the Gods angry with us?")

Wanda tried to release herself from his hold, but it was to no avail.

"Let go of me. I don't know what you are talking about," she kept saying, her heart pounding in her chest was pounding from fear and she hoped that Pietro wouldn't return.

"Please, don't return. Please." She whispered because she didn't want anyone to hurt her brother, but of course her wish wasn't granted because in a blink of an eye, Pietro was standing in front of her, trying to pry the man's hand from her wrist, but the man was stronger than both of them.

"Leave my sister, jebák." Pietro said angrily, but the man didn't let go of Wanda.

"Pietro—" Wanda gasped at the vulgar word her brother said. She didn't want their situation to worsen.

"Let her go—" the rich woman said. "Thank you, but we will take it from here." The woman said softly — she had a kind look on her face which reminded Wanda of her own mother and she felt the stinging sensation in her eyes.

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