Chapter 21

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"You should retire to your chamber, queen Farbauti," Frigga said softly, looking at Jotunn's queen holding Loki's hand. "You must be tired."

It had been two days since the battle with Thanos and Loki had been unconscious. The power of the Norns' magic had possessed him, making him a different person who wanted only destruction and pain. Frigga had never felt such powerful magic, Even Freyr, who visited Asgard after the battle had ceased, said his realm had felt Loki's power and he suspected that the other realms had felt it too.

Frigga knew that this power was killing her son as soon as she saw Thor rushing to the infirmary with Loki in his arms. There was so much blood coming from her younger son and she tried to assure herself that Loki would be fine, Lady Eir was going to help him, but nothing was working. She had felt something painfully stabbing in her heart (like the spear she had dreamt of before) and she thought, would it be the end of her son like the spear pierced through her heart? Taking a piece of it and making it bleed?- why did her son always have to suffer? How could the Norns be cruel to only one person?

Didn't he suffer enough?

It was a miracle when queen Farbauti came rushing to the healing chambers, not caring about the stares that were thrown in her way, and an old Jotunn following after her with the Casket of Ancients Winter held in his hands.

The old Jotunn, whose name was Vafþrúðnir, had informed them that the only way of bringing the prince was being reunited with what gave him power - which was Farbauti's magic and the Casket of Ancient Winters to enhance her power to return him back.

That's why Frigga found herself sitting beside Loki's bed, Farbauti holding his hand most of the time and the casket of ancient winters near them. Frigga thought that she would feel jealous and angry because the Jotunn's queen was the only one who could keep Loki alive (she was the one who raised him all of his life, she was the only mother he knew) but looking at Farbauti's face and the way she was holding Loki like he was the most precious thing in her life made her feel no jealousy, she only felt guilty for separating Farbauti from her son - Frigga knew the feeling of losing one her sons like when Thor was kidnapped by fire giants or when Loki fell into the void, it felt like someone had taken a piece of her heart, so Frigga didn't want any mother to lose her son.

"No, I would never get tired of helping him." Farbauti. "I had lost him once and I won't lose him again." She continued, looking at her son.

Farbauti still couldn't believe that her son Loptr was still alive, she had always blamed herself for putting him in the temple for the Norns to protect him, she thought that nothing would happen to him in the war. And when the war ended she went to the temple to take her son, but she didn't find him.

"I didn't find Loptr, my king." She had rushed to the broken castle, panicking because Loptr wasn't there, there was nobody, nothing at all. "Please, could you - could you bring-" tears in the form of ice were streaming down her face.

Why did she think he would be protected there?

"Farbauti, the realm is broken, our people are dying and here you are begging me to return this runt?" Laufey seethed, he was disappointed when Loptr was born because he was small for a frost giant, he didn't care about his life. "I don't have time for this, we must look for how to restore the realm, to get revenge from Odin." He spat. "Not grieving for a runt."

"I am sorry," Frigga said softly, 'sorry for taking him from you' was left unsaid. But Odin had told her that he was left to die alone because he was a runt, if Frigga knew that there was someone who was looking for him, she would have returned him to them. "I know sorry is not enough, but I am truly sorry. I know the feeling of losing a son."

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