Chapter 6

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Loki didn't know whether to feel upset (because his brother left him after only two days from staying ) or not (because he stayed with Steve the whole time! Even sleeping in his floor because Loki felt scared of sleeping alone.)

"I would like to pay Jane Foster a visit. "Thor had said, he didn't want to tell Loki that he is going to Asgard to discuss with " I will only be gone for a day, Loki. "

Thor had told him that Jane Foster is his lover and Loki asked him if he had one too when he grew old. 

"No, but you will find her one day, brother. " (— or him. Thor thought because he knows what is Loki's preference and even if it is frowned upon the Aesir, Thor will always support him. )

Loki and Steve had watched Disney movies (—yes,that's what Steve calls them, Disney movies. )

Also,  Steve knows how to draw and he hung a drawing of Loki! He even let Loki try but of course it wasn't perfect like Steve's. Loki pouted at that and Steve told him with practice he would be better at it. 

It was all well, and Loki was loving every second passed. Even Sir Bruce(—No, only Bruce. He told Loki to call him that) was treating him well; he talked with him about science and he was fascinated that Loki was smart at his young age. 

Well, Loki is not like the other Aesir.  (—hushhh, don't tell anyone about that.) But he sometimes gets bullied for being like this and it is one of the reasons the other Aesir hates him(—because he loves to show off. That's what they said.)

Loki knows that there is something inside Bruce, because it is always angry. He doesn't know what it is but maybe it feels lonely inside Bruce and he just needs friends. 

Even Jarvis is now his friend and he introduced him to something called the internet. 

There is only one person that exchange only few words with Loki —

Sir Tony Stark. 

Loki wants to ask him questions, Steve even told him that he invented things, he is the creator of Jarvis. And Loki doesn't know why Sir Tony Stark was accepted among his friends, isn't it weird to invent new things?  Loki made something before, and the other children laughed at him, telling him it is nothing and pathetic.  

"Good morning Loki, I hope you have slept well." Steve said as soon as Loki entered the kitchen, it seemed that he remembered the way to the kitchen. He was only here for two days for God's Sake! Steve sometimes still gets lost in the tower. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He was still a little sleepy because they had stayed the day before watching Tangled. 

"Yes, Steve. Thank you. " Loki said politely as he made his way to his usual spot. He was surprised that Tony and Bruce were already there. 

They were drinking that awful drink called coffee. Steve had told him he is still young for drinking coffee, but Loki wanted to try it and he wished he didn't try it. It was awful! 

Tony had given him an offended look and said "It is the best thing in the world." It was one of the times that Tony talked to him. 

"Good morning, Loki. " Bruce said, smiling as he put down the newspaper he was reading. 

"Good morning, Bruce. " Loki replied as Steve put the plate of pancakes in front of him and beside it a glass of orange juice. 

Loki liked pancakes, but he liked waffles more and he liked that hot chocolate drink. It tastes really good. 

While Tony and Steve were arguing about something that Loki doesn't know, he found the chance to ask Bruce the question that had burned his curiosity. 

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