Chapter 3

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Frigga took Loki from Thor, not bothered by the way Odin was watching or the guards. She knows that she is crying, seeing her Loki in his younger self, with bruises littered on his face and she was sure that there are bruises on his body, it was as if something heavy crashed on her chest, making it harder to breathe. The Captain and Thor stood in front of Odin and the guards to protect her and Loki as she made her way to Lady Eir. 

The last thing she heard was Thor yelling at Odin for losing his other son. And it hurts —

It hurts to know that her family is shattered, that they are losing each other. 

She knows that Odin still loves Loki but he is not trying to show it. She knows behind this cruelty a soft place for his young son, that he cares too for the wellbeing of his youngest. But—

She would never forgive him for what he has done to Loki, even if Loki himself forgives him for all the way he wronged him, neglected and ignored him— she knows Loki is still regarding Odin as his father, no matter what happened between them. It has been going for centuries. She tried to intervene but it was to no avail. He has been cruel to Loki because of his Jotunn heritage, (—taming the little monster. He would say to her.) but when Loki was growing into a young man, Frigga had had enough, she threatened him that if he didn't treat him well, she would take him in her arms and run away. That is why he started to get closer to Loki, to treat him as his son and finally he was able to love him. She knows that because of Loki's crime, he remembered the monster. 

But Odin was wrong because her son was never a monster!

And now, Odin had turned him into his six-years old self, and she knows that Asgard won't be safe for her little boy. Maybe she would take him to Alfheim because Lady Eir said that a powerful sorcerer would be able to return him back and reverse Odin's magic, and despite being powerful, she doesn't have the ability to reverse Odin's magic and Odin himself is not in a good state of mind and she would never let him near her son. 

A noise escaped from Loki —  a pure agony wrapped in sound waves— startled her from her thoughts. She heard how his breath quickened and the way his hands were gripping the sheets tightly. 

"Shh, my prince. I am here, everything is alright. " she said, she sounded like when she was trying to soothe his nightmares about the blue giants, lurking in the darkness and she wanted to laugh at how foolish they were, by hiding the truth from him. The truth that made him driven away from her. "I am here. " she kept repeating, gently. 

"In stormy black mountains, 

I wonder alone, 

Over glaciers I pull myself forward. " Frigga ran her hands through Loki's hair as she sang softly. "To the apple garden, with branches leading. 

And I sing, 

When are you coming home. "

Her sound cracked at the end of the song and she cried—

Cried because the song is about someone who is not home and that is what she had felt when she lost him in the void. 

And everything came crashing down at her. 

"But when I fell into the void, they tried to make this monster bind to their will and they succeeded." — he had told her that and she wanted to rip anyone who dared to touch her son. 

"Amma," a quiet, shaky voice said. And she could feel his tiny hands reaching to wipe her fallen tears. 

She opened her eyes and found Loki's emerald wide eyes staring at her. She tried to smile at him but it was a sad one. 

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