Chapter 1

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Trigger warning: Torture⚠

Frigga was looking at him with tears streaming down her face, her little precious boy is back, she wanted to hold him and to keep him in her embrace forever. She watched the false smirk that was etched on his face and she wanted to yell and say that there is something wrong with him because she always knows when he is faking something.  

"Why did you do this, Loki? why?" She asked, wanting to know what had driven her son to do his crimes. 

— What happened to you my sweetheart?

"Did I make you proud, mother? " He looked at her with a small smile. 

Oh, how she missed his voice, how she missed him. When she knew that he let himself fall into the darkness of the void, she felt her breathing stopped and her heart torn from its place.  

I am sorry, my boy. Sorry for not noticing how you were suffering, sorry for not being on your side

"Loki—" She said but —

He cut her sentence, and she could see fear lurking under the brave look on his face. "I apologize, mother." He said bitterly. "I apologize for not being like Thor. "

A failure was left unspoken in the air. 

"Brother! " Thor's voice boomed in the throne hall, an angry look on his face.  

"You're not my brother! " Loki shouted at him. "You never were, I am the monster, Thor. " (— I begged you to come and save me but you never did.) was left unsaid.

"Silence!" Odin demanded, he was looking at Loki with disappointment and anger. 

Loki felt the panic that threatened to rise in his chest, everything was getting out of control because he thought that one of them would ask him what happened to him, what had led him to this madness. Loki will gladly spill everything that happened but no one asked, not even his mother (—no, Frigga. She is not his mother, she never was.)

Despite not being his true mother, he wanted to run and hide in her embrace as if it would shield him from the horrors that he witnessed but he couldn’t, couldn’t do anything. 

"Oh, Odin, I hope that you are proud of what your son has done.  " he falsely smirked at him, his voice dripping with venom. "The stolen relic from Jotunheim. "

"Loki, I shall not hear your words." Odin said harshly, his one eye glaring at him. "I shall punish you,  as I am the Allfather, the king of Asgard, for your acts. You tried to destroy Jotunheim and rule Midgard. "

Loki wanted to yell at him — at them, why they are not asking him. Why did nobody notice there was something wrong? Why? 

"It was my birthright! " he shouted, instead,  at the man he once called father. 

"Your birthright was to die! " Odin shouted back at him and Loki tried to hide his flinch. 

Left to suffer and die alone.

He vaguely heard the warning tone in his mother when she said Odin's name. 

But the king of Asgard continued. "You only cause suffering and destruction, Loki." the disgust was evident when he said his name. "And You will rot in the dungeons for the rest of your life! " Odin said. "Alone, not a single person would dare to visit you."

Loki felt himself being pulled roughly from his chains by the guards.

"Odin, please—" he could hear the sob that came out from his mother as she made her way to him, forgetting how she looked but on guard stood in front of her, preventing her from reaching him to make her way to him. 

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