Chapter 10

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"Okay, okay. This really has to stop." Tony whined as he graced the others with his pink hair. "He and his uncle are running -no, not running, fucking teleporting around the tower doing pranks on us." He said. "How the hell they even got into my fucking bathroom?"

Tony didn't realize that something was wrong with his shampoo and he happily took his shower, but then he looked into the mirror and instead of his brown hair -

There was pink hair on top of his head.

"Jarvis, what the fuck is that?" He said as he looked at his reflection in the mirror -he thought that he would see Loki and Freyr's in the mirror, giggling. How the hell is Freyr a king?

"It suits you, Sir." Jarvis, the traitor, said. Always siding with Loki as if they were friends from a long time. He would sell him to the nearest university.

And pink doesn't really suit Tony Stark.

Clint couldn't hold back his snicker and then he was laughing as soon as Tony entered the common room. Steve tried not to laugh, but he failed of course. "Is that your new look for the ladies, Stark?" He said.

"Shut up, birdy." Tony said which made the Archer glare at him, tears of laughter were in his eyes - which made him not intimidating as he wanted. "Really, we have to strike back."

Because the team had suffered enough - Loki and Freyr were asking for a war - they didn't leave anyone in the team without pranking him- or well her.

Tony was the worst, even Jarvis and the bots were on Loki's side. Tony felt betrayed by his own kids. Take his pink hair for an example and the incident of the fire extinguisher when he entered the lab.

They changed all Clint's arrows into flowers which made Clint say that he would stop giving Loki his lessons, but he swore that he said in a playful tone, and he found an angry king of Alfheim threatening him. Loki, the little bastard, knew that Clint was joking and he convinced his uncle that Clint loves him and he would never do this which made Clint soften at this. And eventually they returned his arrows back.

Steve, the good old captain, woke up for his normal run to find all of his clothes have disney characters on them and on his shield, instead of the American star, there was hello kitty on it and they changed the colour of the shield to pink with lots of hearts.

Steve, being the good man, had told them it's a good prank, but he told Loki that Captain America can not be seen like that which made the kid nod vigorously and returned them to normal, but unfortunately Steve wasn't excluded from the other pranks.

He simply couldn't use the best friends card.

They tried to prank Natasha, but they couldn't - simply because she is Natasha. She became another traitor and helped them. And she rewarded Loki every time his pranks worked.

They didn't even leave Bruce and they unleashed the Hulk in the middle of one of Tony's common rooms.

"Uncle Freyr, meet Hulky!"

"Puny God is funny." The hulk had said, patting Loki's head with his large hands - Tony smirked at the shocked, worried look on Freyr's face, but Thor had assured him that Hulk wouldn't do anything to Loki.

Thor -oh Thor - was on top of the pranking victims, even before Tony.

He had pink hair like Tony, but what really disturbs them is that he was a female- a really beautiful female. Tony thought at first that he was one of the company employees who got lost and he of course flirted with him which made Thor slap him and he was blushing really hard.

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