Chapter 14

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The sky was painted a deep  shade of blue, the few stars in the sky above were drowned by thousands of floating lights made by the people of Asgard. The news of their injured prince has spread widely throughout the whole kingdom — a healer told her friend about Lady Eir's immediate departure and that friend told another and then another person knew until the whole kingdom knew about their prince's suffering within a day. 

"I hope the Norns will fulfill our wishes." The small child said to his mother, but he was looking at the Lantern he was holding. "I want Prince Loki to return here because I wanted to show him the new tricks I have learned, he is the only one who didn't make fun of me because of my magic." The young sorcerer continued and as he looked around him, he watched as every other Aesir was holding a lantern like him and there were others which were already floating in the sky— the scene above him was beautiful.

"Me too, my boy." The mother said, smiling softly as she and her boy let go of the lantern — and they watched it until it disappeared with the  others. 

"Please, let our prince return back to us." The same words came out as whispers from all the people of Asgard, fearing the worst but hoping for the Norn's intervention. 

Frigga had watched from her balcony the thousands of Aesir gathered in the streets of Asgard, she knew that they were waiting for a speech from her — but what would she tell them? Give them false hopes that Loki could be saved? She desperately wanted her son to wake up and return back to his older self. She felt pathetic for not being able to help him— all she could do was visit him while he was trapped in his own head. 

That's why Frigga spends every day in front of the Norns' tapestry after the Norns had granted her. So, she found herself everyday sitting in the same place, simply enjoying the presence of her son, but she wished that all of this was real. Everything was forgotten around her — It was just her and Loki.

She thought that it wasn't real (because it was Loki's imagination, she was able to access it because of the Norns), but at the same time it was real — she could reach him, touch him and pull him into her embrace. 

When she reached her son's mind, she found him tucked at a corner in Alfheim's library, a book was opened in front of him. She wasn't surprised that Loki had chosen the library because Loki liked going there, sometimes he even went alone without her or Thor.

When she reached Loki, she was able to see a picture of a Jotunn. Loki was so engrossed in the book that he didn't even notice her.

"Loki." she said in the quiet of the library which made Loki startle and he quickly closed the book, but the title of the book became visible.

Frost Giants of Jötunheim.

"Amma!" He said quickly. "I—" he felt very nervous because what if his mother yelled at him because he was reading a book about the Jotunn, but she said it doesn't matter if he were  a Jotunn.

(That will not make her  angry because he is reading about the Jotunn? The little prince thought)

"A book about Jötunheim?" Her tone was playful to ease her son's nervousness. 

"Yes?" Loki replied shyly, afraid of what his mother would say, but Frigga smiled at him gently and said —

"Can you tell me what you were reading about them?"

"Really?" He said, hopefully. "You don't mind?"

"Of course, I don't hate the Jotunn,"she said. "And my son is a Jotunn. So, how would I mind reading about them." And then she said in a whisper voice as if it was a secret, but in fact it was not, the eight realms knew about it. "I had a friend from Jötunheim, her name was Gerðr." A sad look took over her face because Frigga didn't know what happened to her — was she alive or not?

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