Chapter 18

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After the meeting with Fury, nothing has changed - they were still treating Loki the same way. He thought perhaps after showing such weakness at the meeting that they would treat him how Asgardians used to treat him, but no - When they were sent to a mission, Loki would battle with them and they would take his opinion on how they would defeat the enemy. Even Fury, the director, is still demanding meetings with Loki about his opinion on how to defeat Thanos and how they could strengthen the defence of Midgard.

They were still treating him the same.

As for the witch, she just isolated herself, never interacting with any of them. Steve had tried to include her in the team activity (like watching movies or training) but she refused.

So, imagine his surprise when he found her in the training room- she was silently observing them, but Loki could feel her gaze on him the most, it was as if she wanted to say something to him. Loki knew that the witch had tampered with the mind stone -it was obviously mixed with her powers. So, it means that she had seen his memories, like how Thanos did.

His memories that could be used against him. It made him angry and wanting to lash out easily became accessible to his memories, but Loki didn't do anything.

"That makes her have great power over me, " he had said to Yao nervously on his visit. He hated not knowing what the witch would do - it made him vulnerable.

"Wanda won't use them against you-" Yao said confidently and at the same time was assuring him.

Loki tried to become assured by her words, but the last who had seen his memories had -

Loki was snapped from his thoughts as he felt pain explode in his face, he tried to keep his balance, but he miserably failed -

"Shit, I am sorry, Loki -" Steve extended his hand, he was looking worriedly at Loki - but the rest of his sentence was cut off by Tony-

"Language, captain." He said he was sitting while the rest of the Avengers and Wanda were standing -

(What? Tony was just tired from getting his ass kicked by Clint- it was his right to take some rest. He didn't know why he was training with them, it is not like he would fight without using his suit.)

"I don't know why I am training with you," Tony complained, but no one gave him any attention -how rude of them.

Steve was still apologizing to Loki after he had stood up -

"It is fine, Steve." Loki waved his hand like it wasn't a big deal -blood was dripping from his nose. "It was my fault, I was distracted." He continued, trying to assure him and finally, Steve stopped apologizing.

"Stark, you are next," Natasha said, already making her way to the centre of the room.

"Oh, hell, No." Tony objected immediately and stood up, wincing slightly- "I don't have time for this, my lab is calling me, right Jarvis?"

"Of course, sir." Came the sarcastic reply of Jarvis.

"Traitor," Tony rolled his eyes and when he was at the door. "You are free to join me, Lokes." Then he added, "After taking a shower of course." Then he left without waiting for Loki's reply.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I will, Stark," he yelled for Tony to hear.

"I don't know what both of you do in the lab all the time," Clint grumbled.

"Science stuff," Loki shrugged, not explaining anything - they were Tony's secret for him to say.

He could feel the witch's piercing gaze, but her gaze wasn't full of hatred- it was something else.

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