Chapter 16

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In New York Sanctum, Dr Stephan Strange was sitting on his favourite chair, nursing a cup of tea— trying to calm his racing heart from the events that happened hours ago.

He let out a deep breath and took a sip from his cup, aware of the eyes of his friend on him and to make everything worse, his mentor was sitting across from him watching him calmly.

He had returned after Doom's attack and he was sure that the attack had something to do with Loki. Something had happened in the tower.

"Tell us exactly why did you use the stone?" Strange could hear the worried tone in Wong's voice. He had informed them to meet him in the sanctuary."Something  really bad happened." 

Strange knew why Wong thought like that because Strange would only use the time stone if it was the last resort.

"We don't want to attract any unwanted attention to Earth." The ancient one had told him before, but Strange hoped that he wouldn't attract this creature's attention again because he now knew who the ancient one was talking about.

And it seems that there was a person who attract this creature's attention —


Yes, Strange has to get rid of him — shipping him to Asgard or something.

God, he really hated that bastard.

"Thanos won." Strange blurted. "We couldn't stop him. Everything was destroyed." Images of the destruction came flooding into his mind — it was the first battle that Strange participated in because only when the situation cannot be resolved by the avengers, the Sorcerer supreme must be involved.

"What about the avengers?" It was Wong who asked, he was still looking worriedly at his friend— it was the first time he saw him like this.

"Iron man was dead," Strange said flatly. "Probably Captain America and Thor too. I don't know, but they lost."

And about the rest of the team, Strange didn't know what happened to them — probably dead too.

"No one was able to defeat Thanos or her." That's what he was told.

"Her?" Wong asked.

"The Maximoff girl." Strange replied and he heard the sharp intake that was taken by his mentor because the three of them knew how dangerous that girl or woman (— or whatever, Strange thought.) is, if she used her powers in the wrong path — and it seemed that she had proven them right.

Chaos magic. They needed to get her on their side. Strange thoughts.

"She was Thanos' ally?" The ancient one asked. "But how did he reach her?" 

"Honestly, I don't know. But we need to reach her before Thanos does." Strange said, looking at Wong. "Take B'sso and Drumm with you and bring Wanda here." Now there is another problem left which is —

"What about you?" Wong was confused, why Strange is not coming with them?  The girl was quite dangerous. They have been waiting for an opportunity to bring her to their side. What is more important than that?

"Oh," Strange scoffed — like What he will say is the worst thing in the world. "I have to deal with the little bastard." A scowl appeared on his face. "I don't know why Asgard thought it was a good idea to bring him here?"

There is the only thing in Asgard that Strange hated— the ancient one thought. But how is he on earth and no one knows?

"Is Loki here?" The ancient one asked, last thing she heard was that Loki went to Asgard as a prisoner for wreaking havoc on Earth. She was shocked when they knew that Loki was the one behind the attack.

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