Chapter 5

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Loki was scared, the Midgardian had given him the same look as the guard, a look full of hate and disgust. 

And Loki had shown them he was afraid, crying like a child (—but you are still a child, my prince. Amma had told him but Loki needed to show the All-father that he is not a child anymore, he is a proper prince. )

"A prince should not show any emotions, Loki." the All-father had scolded him before. 

But Loki could not help it, he felt confused because why have he done wrong? 

He is not liked among the Aesir, they never liked him, maybe that's why the guard was acting like that but the Midgardian —

He couldn't find a reason for a Midgardian to hate.

Maybe he is unlovable in all of the realms? 

He couldn't stop the way his voice shook and the sobs that wracked his body as Thor held him close. 

"Thor, Have I- I d-done something wrong? " he asked in a small, shaky voice, trying helplessly to know why he was unwanted and unloved. 

He wanted to be loved like his brother.  

"No, brother. " Thor was wiping the tears that were coursing down his cheeks. And after a moment of silence. "You didn't do anything. "

Thor was lying and Loki knows that but Loki was worried about something else. "They are angry at Steve that he brought me here? " Loki asked. He doesn't want anyone to be angry at his friend because of him. 

Thor didn't know what he could say to his brother, he knows that Loki was smart when he was young. 

The Aesir and maybe the Jotunns(—he still does not know how he will reveal to Loki about his new heritage, he wouldn't make the same mistake Odin and his mother did. Perhaps he could ask mother what he should do.) mature quickly at a young age but Loki was the smartest among the other young Aesir. He was even smarter than him, Thor was always embarrassed by that. 

"They are not angry. " Thor was lying through his teeth and he knew that he was not fooling his younger brother. (— Say only short answers. Thor thought. )

"Perhaps—" Thor was about to say they could watch something on the mortals' box that shows pictures but Loki interrupted him. 

"Do they know my older self? " 

"No? " It came out as a question and Thor felt like an idiot. "I mean, they know that you are my brother. " (—yes that's better, Thor.)

"Tell me what you are planning to do with Steve? " Thor said. (— another approach to change what they were talking about. )

Loki looked at Thor after wiping his tears and Thor felt his heart break at all of the things that happened to his brother. He made a vow to himself that he wouldn't fail again at protecting him—

Because Loki was his everything; his heart and soul. 

Loki's face lightened up at the mere mention of doing something with Steve. "He promised I would take lessons on riding horses. " he said shyly, his voice still shaky from the crying. "Perhaps we could play together? "

Thor had to stifle the laugh that threatened to come out, imagining the scene when he sees his little brother and Steve playing — "Maybe you could play hide and seek? " He knows it is his brother's favorite. 

Thor was rewarded with one of Loki's giggles.(Oh, how much he had missed his brother. He wants this to continue when Loki returns to his older self, he wants Loki to accept him again. He knows he was not a good brother to Loki but he would do anything to correct all what he did by ignoring Loki. )

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