Ch 43: Hurt,

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Imagine: You and Louis announced that the two of you are official- sharing your relationship with the whole school.
You were worried about what everyone's reaction would be... and rightly so, because a certain blonde-haired hothead who just happens to be Louis' best friend.. is not at all pleased.


• "well?" Louis nervously inquired into the silence, his arm tightening it's grip around your shoulders. You bite your lip as anxiety rattled through you, biting your confidence and causing you to slightly tremble.
Everyone stared, shocked at the news they had been given. They honestly couldn't believe Louis was fortunate enough to have a relationship!
• Aasim suddenly lets out a loud miserable sigh, "here's your 10 bucks.." he handed over an old note to Willy who jumped with joy,
"I told ya they'd hit it off!" He whispered back to Aasim, though, very loudly. All eyes peered at them- "Ugh are you kidding me?" Violet spoke up with her face scrunched up in disgust.

• "how'd you even manage to find money??" She continued with an annoyed groan.
Aasim tiredly looked back at her, "the old headmasters office... I found a secret stash. Pfft the bastard was dumb enough to leave the safes combination written down in one of his draws." He explained.
Violet arched a brow, finding it odd.

Meanwhile, Willy was staring at his prized note happily, "man, it's been years since I've seen one of these!" He gasped.
• "you're all idiots. A bunch of idiots." Marlon half-yelled, standing up and balling up his fists angrily.
"Can't you see a problem here?" The Blonde pointed to you and Louis- you flinch and hang your head.

of course. Of course Marlon would make a scene of this! He's hated me from the word go... why can't he leave me be?
Louis noticed your tensed up body, his hand resting on your arm rubbing in circular movements to help ease your nerves.
• "you're blind" Marlon said, turning back to everyone with a glare. You watch as he storms off in a fury- he whistled for Rosie to follow, and she did with a small whimper. Her eyes scanning you for a second before obeying Marlon.

"Dude seriously, fuck him." Mitch spat, scowling in the direction of where the blonde disappeared off to. "Such a drama queen! Sobbing over the fact you two are dating. So what? How does it effect you." Mitch shook his head. You stared in awe, taken aback that he wasn't taking Marlon's side on this... it was nice to know he isn't as heartless as everyone else disputes him to be.
• "and that 10 bucks is mine again" Aasim chirped happily, snatching the note from Willy's hands effortlessly. "Hey! Give it back, I won it fair and square!!" Willy hissed.

• Aasim simply held the note above his head so that there was no way Willy could grab it back.
"Did you forget? I get to keep the money if I predict right. And I predicted Marlon would rage and storm off!" Aasim raised his voice over Willy's insults shot at him.
The younger boy grunting, "you're a DICK!!" Before running away furiously.
• "okay that's fucked up. Give it back to him. Now." Mitch stood up from his chair, giving Aasim a clear warning.

"Aasim! For gods sake, just hand over the money. No takebacks" Violet cut Aasim of Before he could complain further.
"Violet not you too. You're honestly on his side about this?" He huffed.
"Mitch makes bombs and you're seriously defying him?" Violet shot back. Aasim's eyes widening as Mitch took a step closer, "that's right buddy. Now hand that to me and I'll refrain from shoving one of my most explosive bombs down your throat." Mitch began to smile like a maniac while Aasim shakily paused before forcing the money into Mitch's palm.
• "good boy"
Aasim glared at the teasing words and hurried off away.

You shivered, definitely not wanting to get on the bad side of Mitch.
• Solution to not pissing him off?
- don't mess with his bombs
- don't mess with Willy.

TWDG- Louis x Reader 【oneshots】18+ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن