Ch 33: Saviour,

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< imagine: You and Louis unfortunately became kidnapped by Lily.
As you made it to the Delta- your nerves kicked in and you were constantly restless. The rule was to make no noise...
however that's all you were doing; making noise.
Louis tried everything he could to calm you down but that lead to a terrible, terrible demise that was cast upon him.

• darkness... darkness is all you could feel and see. A cold sensation settled upon your skin as you laid on what felt like a wooden surface.
• was this all a dream? No... it's feels real.. too real.
You were scared to open your eyes to find out...
Last time you recall you were at the school- laughing along with everyone and having a wonderful evening. It was sadly short lived, however, as a woman with groups of people barged through the gates. She was hollering about capturing everyone in sight...
Everyone at the table froze,
• no one was expecting it. How could they?
A deranged woman with a hunger for capturing people, aiming a gun at everyone?
No way in a million years would anyone be prepared to face that.

• you remember standing up and attempting to run for cover as bullets ran through the air rapidly. Then- nothing...
Everything went black. A void of silence and plagued by loneliness. But now?
You were afraid that, that Woman had taken you somewhere.. somewhere else than your home.
• You felt a shiver course through your weak frame as you curled tighter into a ball- the wooden surface under you, scratching and catching slightly on your battered clothes.
You stayed there for god knows how long.. just lying there with overwhelming emotions.

It wasn't until, your eyes finally flicker open at the odd sensation of being watched- a hand soon rested on your shoulder, lightly shaking you.

You absorbed all the alarms and panic at the unbeknown hand roaming your arm.
• Your instincts collided with adrenaline as you quickly shot up off the floor, successfully ripping away from the hand that once held a grip on you.
Breaths rapidly and violently shook through your lungs and out your mouth. Sharp intakes after exhaling air causing you to gasp and hold a hand to your chest as you hesitated to look up.

• a gaze so soft and warm caught your attention. A mix of blurs settling in front of you, Someone kneeling it appeared to be?
A voice rang into your ears muffled mildly- your eyes widening as you recognised this voice greatly.
Wait... you know this person?
A feeling of familiarity splashed over you as your vision slowly began to clear up- the blurry blob that kneeled before you soon cleared up rightly.

"L-LOUIS!?" You scream. Maybe a bit too loud for his liking as he winced.
But a shaky smile soon rested upon his features as he helped you up from the floor. "I'm so glad you're alive... i-I thought you were.." He trailed off.
You didn't want him to finish the sentence so instead you hug him tightly. "I'm okay, see?" You assure.
Louis went stiff before pulling back, his eyes scanning anywhere that could be injured- a giggle escaped you as he examined you.

A sigh of relief sounded from him when he indeed saw no scratch tainting your skin.

"Thank god.. don't know what I would've done if I lost you..." Louis looked down at you sadly with tears beginning to form.
You smile up at him and pulled his trembling body in for another embrace.
You were trying your best to be calm but deep down... you're freaking out! Where were you?
Why were you knocked out??
For Louis' sake, you faked a smile as your emotions clashed violently within.

Minutes past and you were still being held in Louis' arms protectively. No one speaking. Just silence- you open your mouth to speak but was shortly cut short by a loud bang. It sounded as if someone had hit something of metal..
You and Louis immediately pull away from each other and stare ahead.
"Hey! Hands to yourselves!!" A person shouted, soon coming into view.
We were in a cell...
More panic added.

TWDG- Louis x Reader 【oneshots】18+ Where stories live. Discover now