Ch 13: Pranks, PART. 2

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< imagine: yesterday was immensely eventful.
Your prank on Louis didn't seem to bother him that much... which was suspicious. You come up with yet another idea to give your boyfriend a taste of his own medicine. Only this time.. it doesn't involve burning his face.

• your muscles ached with agony as you lay there still. You've been awake for quite awhile now but haven't gathered the courage to actually get up. The space next to you was empty and cold- a strange thing indeed.
• when did Louis get up??
• you finally decide to get out of bed, your legs still a little wobbly from yesterday's events.
Your clothes were neatly folded on the four of the bed, awaiting your presence.
• and within 3 minutes, you were now fully clothed and ready for the day.
• walking slowly to the door and wrapping your small delicate hand around the shiny metal handle. Turning it to make sure it wasn't jammed.
You turn it fully and swing open the vast wooden door with such ease, it's hinges creak slightly from the heavy movement.
• your head pokes out to get a look around- no one was in sight?
You recall being in Louis' room at the moment. A red hue painting your once cold cheeks.
• your feet inch out into the hall followed by your drowsy body.
• the wooden floorboards creaked after pressure applied.

• you carefully shut the old door behind you with a little click signifying it was closed properly. Your eyes scanned the dim-ish scenery around you.
"hey." A voice calls out behind you. Causing you to jump and gasp- realising it was only Marlon.
• "hey Marlon," you greet with a small wave. "What brings you here?"
He chuckles, "Well I was just taking Rosie out for a much needed walk, and I saw you just standing here" His explanation made instant sense to you.
"O-oh, right!" You stutter aloud.
• Marlon raises an eyebrow, "so why were you standing here like that?" He asks quizzically.
• "do you know where Mitch is?" You smartly avoid his question.

• ".... our in the courtyard, near the greenhouse." He answered truthfully. A little ticked off however because of your indenial.
"Great. Thank you!" You quickly thank him and scurry off around the corner of the hall in a blink of an eye.
Leaving Marlon standing there, speechless and confused.


You find Mitch after basically running to get to the greenhouse without being seen.
Louis was still out of sight...

You notice two other people were with him- Aasim and Willy. They seemed to be arguing quite alot. You make your way over to them, purposely making noise so that it announced your presence and arrival.
"Oh! Hey" Willy greeted with a big smile before returning back to what looked like a bomb he was working on.
Aasim nods while Mitch stares.

"So... I'm here to say that the prank worked." You explain, "it got him good too!" Mitch's eyes lit up with joy.
Willy on the other hand perked up and gave a confused glance your way, you remember that he didn't know about the bomb prank.
It wasn't until Aasim butted in and told him everything.
Willy straight away gasped, "wow! Cool!! What his reaction!?" He excitably moves around in his seat.
You sigh, "he didn't really do that much... the worst he did was a glare and the silent treatment"

Everyone looks shocked. Mitch mostly looking disappointed, "that's lame.." he muttered.
"I gave the bomb a name by the way," you interrupted the oncoming silence.
Attention was all on you, awaiting- "I named it, Mitch's masterpiece."

Aasim immediately rolls his eyes. "Aw man! How come he gets a bomb named after him?" Willy protests with a whine.
"I like that." Mitch suddenly speaks up, his face full of gratitude.
Aasim however 'tsks' at this- "pfft, of course you do. It's named after you let alone you made it." He sneers.
Willy gasps astonishingly, "Wait, you made it?!" He turned to the brunette next to him.
Mitch nods sheepishly.

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