Ch 17: Punishments,

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< imagine: You wandered out the safe zone. It was dangerous to do so but you've seen Clementine, Louis and Violet survive it. They came back with so much food that day!
Marlon was threatening to kick you out since you haven't been able to catch any food. Maybe this was your chance to prove yourself?..

• "hey! Wait up" Mitch called out behind you.
You stop and wait for him. He finally reaches your distance with exhaustion. "Aasim and I are going hunting. Marlon said to tag you along"
• you frown, "okay..."
• "great! Meet us at the gates" Mitch waves goodbye and runs off again.
'What was that about?'

• you shrug and decide to do nothing until it was time to hunt.
Louis was spending time with Minnie for the majority since we recently got her back from the horrid Delta. They seem pretty close and have lots of catching up to do. So you left them be.
• and time flies to the afternoon. You gather your hunting gear and get a head start waiting at the gates. "Nice to see you on time for once." Mitch suddenly walked up. A smile splayed on his face.
• you were normally late to things. Louis had obviously rubbed off on you with his troublesome ways. But today? You made sure you were here early.
• "Yea, I guess I'm a changed person" you joke.

• footsteps and metal clanking together was suddenly heard. "hey Mitc- Why is SHE here?!" Aasim hurries over with a glare. His arms full of hunting equipment- "Marlon said for her to." Mitch shrugged and took off out the gates.
"Don't screw up." Aasim growled and shoved you slightly as he followed the other male at a fast pace.
• you convinced them to assist you when you exit the safe zone.


"Seriously! Again!" Aasim roared.
You had accidentally set off a trap twice now which earned a good scolding every time.
"Shut up Aasim. You're giving me a headache" Mitch yelled out from the other side of the trees.
"I told you NOT to screw up! But here you are doing just that" he shakes his head in disappointment.
You were speechless and a little furious. 'Can this guy ever give me a break?'

"I'll have to remind Marlon for you to do something else other than hunting.." Aasim grumbled, cutting the rope off one of the broken traps. Soon resetting it and sending a glare at you.
Footsteps sounded from behind us, "I got two rabbits. What about you guys?" Mitch held up the prizes with glee.
"Well fuck up here caused two of our traps to set off." Aasim pointed towards you accusingly.
You felt the urge to smack that stupid finger of his away.

"I got one squirrel." He finished his sentence. Mitch raising an eyebrow, "that's not much.." he mumbled.
"Yea well, if we didn't 'have' to bring her along hunting then we would have at least a dozen of food to eat" Aasim pointed his finger again. 'For gods sake!'

"Have you got your bow and arrows?" Mitch asked you. "Yea..."

"Okay then go shoot a few shots and catch something." He suggested. You nod and walk the opposite direction to the two males.
After a bit of wandering around, a deer suddenly appears in your view. It was broad and healthy.. a perfect feast indeed. But you felt a pang of sadness at the thought of YOUR arrow finishing it off and then surviving off of it. You haven't seen a deer around before... maybe that was because the safe zone is confined with mostly smaller animals. If you hunted out the safe zone then there would be more chance of finding food.

The deer sniffed the air and stood still. It was such a beautiful creature... you slowly load up one of the arrows and steadily right your aim.

'I can't do this..' you halt but still hold the arrow ready to shoot.
Just as you were about to drop the whole thing. Dickhead Aasim interrupts you- "Well? Shoot already!!" He yells. You spin around not realising it was him and accidentally letting go of the arrow. It released and pinned right into his shoulder. Another yell escaped him.
Causing the deer to perk up and run in distress.
"Wow okay idiot!" You stand up form your previous crouch position and click your tongue.

TWDG- Louis x Reader 【oneshots】18+ Where stories live. Discover now