Ch 24: She's jealous,

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< Imagine: Louis was acting strange around other girls.. it was as if he had no interest towards you anymore. You tried not to get jealous. But did just the opposite-

• here he goes again. Obviously and deliberately flirting with Minnie. Right. In. Front. Of. You.
• Louis was naturally a big flirt but nowadays he's been way worse. He tried pick up lines on Ruby and Violet but ended up with a slap on the face that left a nasty bruise. Louis didn't even bother trying to pick up Clementine as she had a big crush on someone else, so he respected that.
All these flirts and compliments he gave other girls was beginning to get annoying and tiresome to you..
Though, You weren't worried.
• you knew fully well that Louis loves you and only you. It was just frustrating to see him give extra attention to the other girls all of a sudden.

• Sophie and Minnie didn't mind his flirt sessions so that's where he continued his heist.
• "did you fall from heaven-
Minnie didn't even let Louis finish his sentence as she rolled her eyes and walked away.
But what you noticed that was strange was that everytime he flirted with someone, he'd look back at you.
It was as if he wanted a reaction out of you.
• at first you showed no emotion but now as time progressed of the same things he's been doing. You've became angry.

• so whenever he looked back at you- you'd hand back a scowl for him. You could've sworn you saw a devious smile appear on his face once seeing your aggression.
• Louis was now sitting next to you calm as ever, reading a random book he found in the headmasters office- silence was short lived as the door of the room rattled and shook. And a person entered the room.

Louis hopped to his feet plopping the book down with no haste. "M'lady, have a seat. You look exhausted after the hunt"
Louis pulled out a comfy chair next to the couch. Your eye twitches slightly but you remain engulfed by the book you were reading.
Calm down.. you're not jealous...

Minnie was always a hard worker, Better than you in most ways. She hunts non-stop and exercises like there's no tomorrow. Marlon on multiple occasions has compared her to you and how you're lazy because you don't do the things she does.
I'll start calling you Minerva..

Louis then proceeds to sit next to her and stroke a lock of her ginger hair. "Your hair looks amazing" he commented in awe.
Get away...
Minnie giggled and gently lifted her hair away from his grasp, "thank you"

You begin to inhale and exhale fastly but still try to calm down.
"So Minnie, I heard that you need help with hunting?" Louis asked with clear interest. She hummed in response- "well maybe I could assist you" Louis offered with a warm smile.
Minnie smiled as well, "sure, that'd be great" she agreed.

Louis' eyes lit up and he dove in for a hug.
He normally hugs everyone at some point but this hug was different... it was more intimate.
Your hands shake and accidentally rip a page of the book. A sigh escaping your mouth as you shut the book right and place it on the side table.
"You know... I admire your strength Minerva" Louis confessed sheepishly.
Minnie doesn't like it be called by her full name and yet here she is letting HIM call her by it!?
That's it...

You can now admit you were jealous...
Your breath were puffing your cheeks out at a rapid pace.
Your hands shook and trembled as you tried to stop yourself from pouncing on the both of them to give them a slap or a good beating.
"You're so amazing, I look up to you" Louis praised her once again to which she blushed a deep crimson this time.

No more...
You stomp onto your feet and place your hands on your hips. "Hey! I thought you were only attracted to girls!" You direct your voice to Minnie who pulled back from Louis' second hug.
She frowned, "that's none of your business." She sneered with disgust.
Great! I completely forgot she already disliked me!! Greeeaattt.

"Well it sure damn is now!" You reply back with a sudden outburst of confidence.
"Ugh. I don't have time for this" Minnie growled, standing up abruptly and exiting the room with a slam of the vast wooden doors.
You sigh and falter back to the couch with a hand to your forehead. Ashamed of what you said to her..

"Hey... guess what?" Louis asked teasingly as he then sat next to you.
You don't answer however...
"That was just a set up." He whispered with a cackle.
You raise an eyebrow and lower your hands so that you looked at his goofy face. "What do you mean?"

"I got you good!" Louis laughed loudly.
You were still highly confused though.
"Wait..." you trail off thinking harder than you have in awhile, "so this all wasn't real?"

Louis nodded his head. You immediately facepalm.
"I only did this to see if you are a jealous person or get jealous easy." He laughed again.
That little!-

"I kept flirting with other's until you reacted. Of course the flirting wasn't real or anything." Louis explained,
"So tell me, were you jealous?~" He cooed happily.
You sigh and nod with a small smile, "Yea I'll admit it... I was hella jealous." You giggle at your stupidity.
Of course he was only testing you! Not actually cheating!!
Relief washed over you as you stare into Louis' kind, warm hazel eyes.
His arms wrap around your form as you relaxed into them.
"What was the point of it though??" You ask logically and curiously.
Louis thinks for a good while,
"To see if you're loyal."

You quirk an eyebrow at him. He stares for a bit before cracking a huge smirk, "okay, okay. I was poking fun. I wanted to see what you're like when you're jealous.. especially for me"
He finally admits the truth.
You giggle and slap his arm lightly, "silly! It still wasn't necessary" you argue.
He chuckles and held onto you tighter-
"I know. But what matters, is that we both love each other~"

His voice purred into your ear leaving goosebumps on your skin and a shiver down your spine.
"Agreed." You nod with a smile, leaning sideways to give him a peck.
But when he goes for more you pace a finger on his lips and push him back a bit, "uh-uh. Don't get greedy now~"
This time you cooed, leaving the man beside you in a flustered, blushing mess.

A/n: this was a suggestion!

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