Ch 26: New girl, PT. 6

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< imagine: you were currently being held at gunpoint by who you found out to be old friend. You still wondered what happened to Minnie... but worst of all, was meeting Louis again.


"Dude, I was so worried-
The person cut off their sentence once they rounded the bush.

Staring at you with a shocked gaze. Your breath hitched after realising who it had been calling out Willy. The ironic piece of wood with nails pledged into it, named 'Chairles' was in view, this has to be a dream..
The urge to run was so strong now...
You look up to meet the familiar face of your former best friend and lover. You know that face from anywhere. How could you forget it!?
And those gorgeous entrancing hazel eyes that only belong to,


your eyes widen immediately, body going completely frozen with shock. Willy looked over at his friend questioningly, lowering his gun ever so slightly.

'Shit...' you thought in panic. What if he recognises you? What will happen then??
Would he allow Willy to pull the trigger...
You visibly shake. the chance of that happening- it would be brutal for sure.
All those years ago, Louis had voted you out with no problem at all! You remember clear as day, in your room and petrified at the question Louis shot at you.. "Did you purposely kill the New Girl?"
Of course you reneged and admitted nothing. It was because you were sure that your jealousy and rage hadn't killed that girl.. you were in denial.
But this only sent Louis into a bitter state...

He shook you and screamed for you the tell the truth.. but you only declined the fact of it all.
A vote was in place- and he decided to end everything by telling you that your time to leave was at dawn.
You thought you'd see him again after he exited through your bedroom door, but
Actually, that was the last time you saw him..
He didn't show up to see you be sent off,
Which only added more to the heartbreak.

your mind traveled back to Minnie.. the girl who was— just moments ago— bossing you around endlessly. Was she really dead?
Either way would be great.


"Hey, wake up"

A voice spoke eagerly.
"Wake up!!" This time more louder and you could swear you heard a ringing in your ears.
You groggily turned around in your bed and pleaded for 5 more minutes of blissful sleep.
But the person—er, intruder— had none of that.
Shaking you and pulling the nice comfy covers off your curled up form.
You groan and struggle to open even one eye, two blurs were in front of you, peering down.

"Wake the hell up already." The voice growled, psychically grabbing ahold of your arm and heaving your slumped body up.
You instantly wake up at this and gasp, struggling, "Let go of me!" You wail and you move ferociously in the holders grasp.
"Then get packing. You leave in 20 mins" the voice sneered, reluctantly releasing my arm and stepping back.
Your eyes were still blurry and having difficulty focusing on the area around you, but you had no doubt that it was Marlon who awoke you and ripped your body upwards like it was a rag doll.

And sure enough, your eyes finally adjusted and glared at the mullet wearing teen.
He happily returned the glare, which made you shrink a little.
The person standing next to him was Violet, her face scrunched up into disgust once you laid eyes on her. Weird.. would have thought Louis would be here with Marlon instead of her
You quickly looked away and scrabbled up onto your feet properly and stubbled to retrieve your backpack.
Your mind was still clouded with sleep but at least you knew what you were doing.

TWDG- Louis x Reader 【oneshots】18+ Where stories live. Discover now