Ch 12: Pranks, PART. 1

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< imagine: Louis had been playing tricks on you for quite a few weeks now, such as:
Hiding your possessions, telling everyone embarrassing stories of you, scaring you- etc. and it was becoming tiresome. He found it hilarious when you got mad which made you even more furious. Till one day, you had an idea... and a good one at that. You were going to get him back.

it wasn't everyday you would get pranked by your boyfriend, Louis. But it surely felt that way...
• he found it amusing to see the deepened frown and pout spread out on your face every time he was mischievous. He would then boast about it to the others proudly. You figured that you had to do something about this.
• you two have been dating for quite awhile and in that time, Louis has gotten extremely comfortable. Almost too much even.
• it wasn't until your anniversary he began to goof around alot more often. He then pulled pranks to get a reaction out of you, and of coarse you always satisfied him. There was no way hiding your reaction from his constant annoying tricks.
• so he decided to continue his mayhem from the day you screeched out of fear and shock because he jumped out from behind a door, when you were walking down a hall.
• today, him and Willy had planned to set a bucket full of water on top of a door so that when you entered the room, water would come plummeting onto you.
• the metal bucket also fell. Causing it to smack on the top of your head with a hard clank. And you must admit, it hurt immensely!
• so after you fled the scene, you immediately began thinking of ways to get revenge. Locking your dorm room door behind you,
• you spent a few hours of pondering what to do. Louis had been pounding on your door begging you to open it. You didn't answer and eventually, he gave up. You suddenly found an idea... it was a good one too! But you realised that you'd need help with this.
• who could you ask? Who would he willing to help??

•Your plan was to simply give him a 'present'. His birthday is apparently soon so this would be absolutely perfect! But the twist is.. it actually isn't going to be a nice friendly present. But why would you put in the box to turn into a disaster? What would make him jump out of his skin...
You think the best way to get him is to wait a bit. Act as if the bucket prank was nothing and once he thinks he is in the clear, you'll then get him back when he's least expecting.

Another idea popped into your bruised head.
You'll just ask for Mitch's help... he'll surely know what to do to make this plan perfect.


It had been a couple weeks since the incident. You patched things up with Louis even though you were still angry at him.

Louis has been blabbering about his birthday and how it's next week sometime.
You roll your eyes every time he fantasied about everyone bowing down to their knees for him on his special day.
But it would be funny to see it come true...
just imagining Marlon himself bowing to his best friend was hilarious.

You confronted Mitch about your master plan. And surprisingly, he volunteered to help.
He agreed to making something explosive- you have warned him countless times to make the bomb harmless. You only want to give him a good shock, not blow his face off!
Mitch nodded understandingly but still had a hint of mischief in his gaze.
You decide to watch him make the bomb contraption just in case he gets any funny ideas to make the thing dangerous.

And soon enough, it was fully done.
It has been programmed to explode once the box it going to be placed in, opens.
Sure it will give off a noise but thankfully won't make Louis deaf.. at least that's what Mitch says to be true.

It was getting dark and Omar had started to cook dinner. Everyone gathered immediately after the radiating smell of glorious food.
Which caused Omar to shoo them away with a glare. Your stomach growls at the thought of food.

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