Ch 18: New girl, PT. 2

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< imagine: after ridding of that attention whore and man stealer. She hung around..
How she survived after Marlon chucked her out the gates you wouldn't know.
She came banging on the gates pleading for forgiveness. And what got her back in the school... she had food in return. Everything turns into more from there.

• it was a nice peaceful day. You were currently seated across from Louis who was helping AJ to read.
It was honestly so cute! You felt motherly towards AJ in a way..
The way Louis was patient whenever the boy would mess up in a sentence or pronounce something wrong was so heartwarming.
• "a-nd that li-li-ttle piggy went alllll the w-way home." AJ finished the book he and Louis were reading together.
We give him an applause for improving his reading skills. He has gotten so much better over the duration of the week.
You're proud of him immensely.
• "hey! Clem!! I did it!" He practically yells.
Clem rushes over with a confused smile, "did what goofball?"

• "I read this book! With help of course." He beams up at her.
"Wow! That's amazing!" She gasps. "Good job."
• "I'm getting real smart." AJ boasted, getting up from his seat and flashing us a smile before walking away with such pride.
"Thank you guys. I'll see you later!" Clem mentions with gratitude. Now walking off in the same direction of AJ.
• "he really is a smart kid," Louis breaths out.
You nod agreeing.
• "So! Let's play a game" he turns back to you fully and whips out a pack of cards from his coat. You internally groan.
"Lou, we have a supply run in a few minutes" you remind him with concern. His smile only widens, "I know that. But it wouldn't hurt to play a quick game of... truth or dare!" He announces.
• you felt like smacking your head on the picnic table. 'Why me?' Your thoughts cry.

• "well?" Louis speaks again, expectedly. Successfully bringing you out of your thoughts.
"Yea, sure. Why not" you plaster a pleaser smile, only it was fake.
• "okay. Highest card wins" he explains, giving half the cards to me and the other hand to himself after shuffling them around a bit.
"Too easy!" You challenge.
Louis snorts and ready's his cards in a neat pile.

"On the count of three. One.. two.." but Louis being Louis, plucked out a card before he counted to three. Smacking it on the wooden surface and flipping it over to reveal it's number. "That's not fair!" You growl. He only grins in return, a cocky one at that.
Your eyes scan his card, taking note of the number. 5...
You carefully choose a card on top of your pile and slide it off delicately. Slowly placing it on the table and turning it over.

"Dammit!" You yell. Slamming your fist slightly in front of you. Louis began to laugh profusely. "Ah that's amazing!" He wheezes.
You glare in return, a glare that could melt ice- "so. Truth or... dare"

"Truth." You answer with no hesitation. Knowing that Louis' dares can be pretty brutal and embarrassing.
"Hmm.. oh I know! Is it true that you were jealous of that new girl?" Louis asks teasingly. You could practically feel your blood boiling at the mention of THAT girl. What was hilarious though, was that she had no name. Well... at least she didn't tell her name.
"Hello?" Louis waves a hand in front of you. Your hands smack it away quickly. "Yes. And I'm not ashamed either." You hiss. His face drops from that cocky grin, now shocked an little... scared?

Louis being smart in this situation left it at that. "Moving on!" He pretended to shuffle his cards meekly.
You both counted together this time, and laid out your cards on three.
You got a 7 and Louis got a 2...
Time to get your revenge.

"Oh Louis~ truth or dare" you say in a sing song voice. Louis groaned a little with a pained expression- "dare.." he admits in defeat.
You were taken back by this, but this only made your plea for revenge greater.
"Ah let me see... how about.. go kiss Marlon on the cheek!" Your face was full of determination.
Your boyfriend however was dumbstruck. "Come on! Chop, chop" you push him on.
He groans again and searches for his best friend, "you know I'm only doing this because I love you, right?" Louis stalls.

TWDG- Louis x Reader 【oneshots】18+ Where stories live. Discover now