Ch 21: Mitch the bitch,

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< imagine: You and Mitch never got along. Ever since you arrived at the school you two have been at each other's throats. Your personalities clash and you disagree on almost everything or anything. But one day, Mitch decided he had enough. He took his anger out by actions. Actions that were seen by a special someone...

• You sigh. Once again Mitch was complaining about you not bringing back enough food. It wasn't your fault that the animals ran away!
Every time you were about to catch one, someone would step on a twig or something and the prey would run lightspeed.
• not to mention most of the traps were empty and tampered with...
• "god! Why are you still here!?" Mitch held up a fist to you.
• you shrug and begin to walk away, done arguing for the day. A headache was forming and you couldn't be bothered about what Mitch said anymore.
• of course, he didn't like it when you walked away and ignored him. He felt embarrassed whenever he was talking to just himself.

He growled and punched the bench table next to him,
"Hey! Get back here, I'm not finished-
"Oh shut up!" Ruby hollered from the campfire. Successfully silencing Mitch once and for all.
Mitch however still wasn't done with his bickering.
As you stepped into the building, you immediately head to your dorm's direction. But something told you to check if Louis was in the Piano room.
You turn on your heel and hurry on over- no sound of the Piano playing could be heard. But you still pressed on. Finally entering the room and staring at an empty atmosphere.

"Hmm.. I'll just wait for him then." You decide with a nod. Marching over to the Piano's seat and sitting down carefully.
You smile at the carvings on the Piano- one which is Louis' least favourite is, 'you can't play'
The funny thing is that Louis can play and he takes that mild carving to heart.
You decide to scratch out the offensive words with a knife you kept handy in your boot, and the words are no more than just a mass of lines.
'Louis will be happy to see that..' you thought proudly.

Suddenly, the door to the room creak slightly. Now you know for sure that you closed that door fully. And that there was no draft in the building whatsoever..

You turn around in your seat but only see the door opened a crack. A frown flies to your face- what on earth? Don't tell me this place is haunted!!
You shakily stand up but just as you do so; the door comes flying open with force, making you jump back in shock.
Mitch stood there furious, his hair sticking in all direction and his chest was heaving greatly. You stand up abruptly and ready a stance.
You take note of your pocket knife that still lay on the Piano's keys. If you had to, you would use it as self defence, let's just hope it doesn't come to that..

"There you are little bitch!" He sneered, roaming over to you menacingly with heavy footsteps. You eyes widen more than before and you back away slightly.
Him inching closer however.
You go to reach for your knife but Mitch was far to close to notice your motives, he immediately slammed his hand sideways onto your forearm. You yelp and retract your arm away.
Your hand now away from the knife.
Mitch darkly chuckles, "did you really think you could use a knife on me!?"

You stare at him in fear not uttering a single word. Your whole body was trembling at this point.
The arm that took a beating was swelling and throbbing immensely.
Mitch grabs the knife with ease and holds it to your throat. "How about I cut open your voice box? Hmm? Then you wouldn't be able to talk back!" He threatened, closing the space between the sharpened blade and your sweating skin.
Tears started to pour down your face as you convulse a little.

"Tsk, stop trying to get mercy!" He yells in your face. Moving closer and jolted his body against your's. Totally forgetting that he was holding the knife so close for a second there. the blade came into contact with your skin and as you swallow, your skin rubs roughly against it. You could practically hear the slice of your own skin.
You let out a pained cry, blood started to drop out from the wound and down to your collar bone.
It wasn't a deep gash but was enough to spill blood. Not to mention that it hurt like hell!!

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