Imagine #38

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Imagine you running away from Kylo Ren.

You were running through the hallways in the First Order Base, with tears running down your cheeks and whimpering a bit. You kept looking behind you to make sure that your boyfriend, Kylo Ren, wasn't running after you. To your relief, he wasn't. But you still kept running.

Then, you made it to an emergency exit door that leads outside. You opened the door and it was snowing outside. It wasn't snowing too hard. But you still pulled the hood of your black cape over your head and went outside and you headed to the forest ahead of you.

Earlier in the day, you went to see the doctor to figure out why you've been feeling sick a lot lately. He did some tests and he found out that you're six weeks pregnant. You were happy to hear that you were having a baby.

But when you told Kylo, which you were unaware that he was having a bad day from work, he took out his Lightsaber and started slashing anything nearby in you and Kylo's shared quarters because he was throwing a tantrum. You were so scared, you ran away from him because you were thinking that he didn't want anything to do with the baby and you were worried that he was gonna hurt you.

Unbeknownst to you, Kylo was sitting on the edge of the bed, covering his face with his gloved hands, crying. He was upset because he felt horrible for scaring you and making you run away. He wasn't angry about the pregnancy. He was angry about his day with General Hux and other high superiors at a very long meeting.

Even while you were talking about your pregnancy, Kylo still had his mind stuck on that meeting, while he was listening to you at the same time. Hearing those words about him from the meeting angered him so much, he let out his anger by taking his Lightsaber out and start slashing stuff nearby.

After he did that, he came to his senses and he realized what he had done and, then, he cooled down. He knew what he did was wrong. He knew you were thinking that he was angry at you because of the pregnancy. Somehow, he wanted to apologize to you if he could find you somewhere around the First Order Base.

Kylo ran out of his and your quarters and started running through the hallways, looking for you. He called your name, but he didn't get a response. He even asked a few workers and Stormtroopers if they've seen you running in any of the hallways at all, but they told him they haven't. Kylo ran through the hallways for a while until he stopped to take a break. He kept wondering where you were. He was worried about you.

Then, out of nowhere, just at the perfect timing, a lieutenant came up to Kylo. "Commander Ren, our sensors have picked up someone exiting out of the First Order emergency exit." The lieutenant reported. When the lieutenant said that, Kylo realized who it was.


Meanwhile, you were walking closer towards the forest since you couldn't run anymore because of the snow. The wind blew snow right at you so hard, you pulled your cape and tried to wrap it around you to keep yourself warm. You were shivering a bit, but you kept walking towards the forest.

But by the time you reached the forest, the snow became a blizzard and it was starting to get worse. You were shivering even more, you tried to pull more of your cape to keep warm, but you couldn't pull it anymore. "I-I'm s-so c-c-cold." You said, while shivering.

Now you absolutely regretted of going outside. You were only going out there for a bit just to be away from Kylo and, then, go back inside when you felt better. But now, it's all changed.

The more snow was getting blown in your face, the more colder you were getting. You were lost. You couldn't see anything in your view because of so much snow was being blown all over the place by the wind. It was by far the worst snow storm you've ever seen before in your life.

Then, sooner or later, you felt like you couldn't walk anymore. You were feeling cold and you were also feeling tired. You walked near a tree and sat down next to it. Once you sat down, you readjusted your cape to let it lay over you like a blanket. You held onto the cape with one hand, while you put your other hand on your abdomen, as you were trying to keep your eyes open. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry, my l-little darling. F-Forgive me f-for bringing you o-out h-here." You said, while, slowly, rubbing your abdomen.

Now you really wished Kylo was here. You were feeling really cold more than ever. You were even starting to feel like you wanted to sleep. 'Where are you, Kylo? Help me.' You thought to yourself, as you were about to close your eyes completely.

"(y/n)!" You, slowly, opened your eyes as you heard a voice call your name. It was the voice that you wanted to hear. You looked around and saw who it was, even though your vision was starting to became blurry due to being very cold.

He saw you and, then, he ran and kneeled down next to you as he brushed the snow, lightly, off of you. "K-Kylo..." You said, while shivering and trying to keep your eyes from shutting. Kylo took his cape off and he immediately wrapped it around you. Then, he picked you up, in a bridal style, and said, "It's okay, (y/n). I've got you. You're gonna be okay." Then, you snuggled against Kylo's chest and closed your eyes as Kylo carried you back to the First Order Base.


You woke up on a comfy, silky bed, with warm arms wrapped around you, in a protective way. You looked to your right side and saw a shirtless Kylo Ren, sleeping next to you. It surprised you, but at the same time, you were happy that he was with you.

Moments later, Kylo woke up and he looked at you, smiling. He pulled you closer towards him. "Hey, (y/n). How are you feeling?" He asked, softly, while he ran his fingers through your (h/l) (h/c). "I'm good. How long have we've been sleeping?" You asked, feeling relaxed from Kylo's touch. "I would have to say we've been sleeping for a couple of hours. You fell asleep in my arms after I found you in the forest. I laid in bed with you to keep you warm since you felt cold." Kylo explained.

When Kylo said all of that, you remembered that Kylo saved you and the baby's life from the blizzard. You sat up a little bit on your elbows and said, "Kylo, I'm sorry that I ran away from you." Kylo sat up and looked down at you, with tenderness and remorse in his eyes. "No, (y/n). Don't say 'sorry'. I'm the one that's sorry. I wasn't angry at you because of your pregnancy. I was angry about that meeting I had earlier. I had my mind stuck on that subject, even though I was listening to you at the same time. It was a bad timing to let out my anger. I didn't mean to scare you and make you run away from me, (y/n). I'm sorry." Kylo apologized.

"Will you forgive me?" He added. You smiled and said, "Of course I forgive you, Kylo. I didn't know you were upset earlier at the meeting. I now know that you weren't angry with me about the baby."

Kylo, then, pulled the black sheets off of you and he lifted your shirt up, where he placed his hand on your abdomen and rubbed it, gently, in small circles. "I would never be angry with you because of the baby. In fact, this is the happiest moment of my life. We're gonna have a baby, (y/n). We're gonna be a family." Kylo said, and, then, he leaned down and placed soft, gentle kisses on your abdomen. You smiled even more while you watched Kylo kiss your abdomen. You were happy that he wasn't the same Kylo from earlier. He was happy about the baby. You knew that he's gonna be a wonderful father.

Then, Kylo looked up at you, smiling, and said, "I love you, (y/n)." You ran your fingers through Kylo's thick jet black shoulder-length hair and said back, "I love you too, Kylo." With that, Kylo sat up and leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You kissed back, with Kylo's hand resting on your abdomen.

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