Imagine #17

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Imagine you are a one month old baby and Kylo Ren leaves someone in charge to watch you for a bit.

(A/N: This is Part 2 of Imagine #16)


It's been exactly one month since Kylo Ren found you on the planet, Nikara, and he took you in and you became his new daughter. Kylo's life had changed now that he's happy to be a father. It was difficult for a couple of weeks because he wasn't used to babies, but he has gotten the hang of it. He even called you his 'little (y/n)'. He took some time off from work to be with you and take care of you more. But when he had to go somewhere important, like a meeting, he would leave a droid in charge to watch you for a bit.

It was early in the morning as Kylo sat up on his bed, holding you against his bare muscular chest, feeding you a bottle of warm formula. You cried earlier because you were hungry and Kylo woke up to feed you. Kylo may have been tired, but he didn't mind. What mattered to him was that he was with you and he wanted to make sure that you were fed.

After you finished the whole bottle of formula, you snuggled against Kylo's chest and you fell asleep. Kylo smiled after you fell asleep. He set the bottle on the nightstand and he laid down since he didn't want to put you back in the bassinet. He used the Force to pull the blanket up and he covered you with it. Then, he placed a soft, gentle kiss on the top of your head. He put one hand on your back and he put his other hand on your little head before he drifted off into sleep.

An hour later, the door knocked. Kylo woke up and sighed in frustration, quietly. He looked down at you and you were still sleeping. He, gently and quietly, picked you up without waking you up. As he put you in your bassinet, you stirred a little bit. Kylo hushed you and, then, he placed a blanket over you. After that, Kylo headed to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw General Hux standing outside, with his hands behind his back. Kylo rubbed his eyes and said, "What do you want, General Hux?" "I came here to check on you, Ren. Shouldn't you be ready for work already?" General Hux asked, sternly. Kylo let out a big yawn and said, "I don't think I'll be working today, General Hux. I'm gonna take another day off. (y/n) woke me up earlier because she was hungry."

General Hux shook his head in frustration and growled, quietly. "Ren, this is the fifth time that you had to miss work because of that baby! You are way behind with work. That baby is a distraction!" General Hux complained.

"That baby is my daughter and she is not a distraction, General Hux! I'm her father and it's my job to take care of her. So, you can back off and go back to your station! Good day, General Hux!" Kylo said, and, then, he shut the door.

Kylo walked back to his bed and laid back down. Before he went back to sleep, he glanced down in the bassinet to make sure you were still sleeping. You were sound asleep. Kylo tucked you in and, then, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your little head. "I love you so much, my little (y/n)." He whispered. He, then, laid back down and he went back to sleep.


Later in the evening, Kylo, in his armor uniform, stepped out of the bathroom, with you in his arms and a towel wrapped around you, after he gave you a bath. After he changed you, he put you in a black onesie and, then, he set you down on his bed.

"I'll go make you a bottle of warm formula for you, my little (y/n)." He said, as he grabbed an empty bottle and filled it with warm water. Then, he put some powdered formula in the bottle, placed the lid on it, and shook it to mix the formula. "Alright, my little (y/n). Your bottle is ready." Kylo cooed at you.

Just as Kylo was about to feed you, the door knocked. Kylo rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance. He set your bottle on the nightstand and, then, he walked towards the door. He opened the door and saw none other than General Hux standing outside, with his hands behind his back, again.

"What is it now, General Hux?" Kylo asked, sounding irritated. "I apologize for distributing you, Ren. I know you requested a day off, but they need you on the Bridge. It's urgent." General Hux said. "'They'? Who's 'they'? Who needs me and why?" Kylo asked. "Captain Peavey did. He didn't explain to me. I was getting ready to leave the Bridge when he told me that he needed you, Ren." General Hux explained.

Kylo huffed and shook his head, but, then, he said, "Fine. I'll go to the Bridge. Let me call one of the droids to come down and watch (y/n) for a bit." "Oh, no, Ren. How 'bout I watch (y/n) for a bit?" General Hux asked. "Why do you want to watch (y/n)?" Kylo asked, while glaring at General Hux. "I...I want to make it up for this morning. I was having a rough time with one of the lieutenants anyway. Plus, I...I want to get to know (y/n) more."

After General Hux said that, Kylo thought for a moment until he said, "Fine. You can watch (y/n) for a bit. I just made her a bottle, so feed her while I'm gone. She'll fall asleep while you're feeding her. Put her in her bassinet when she falls asleep and just wait here until I get back. Do I make myself clear, General Hux?" General Hux simply nodded. Then, Kylo gestured him to step in.

Kylo walked towards you and he kneeled down in front of you. "I'll be back soon, my little (y/n)." Kylo whispered, as he stood up and leaned down and kissed you on your forehead. You cooed. He, then, left his room.

After strutting through many hallways, Kylo made it to the Bridge. When he entered, he was a bit confused at first because everyone was working, not scattering around when something's urgent. But, then, he saw Captain Peavey and Lieutenant Mitaka, standing next to each other, with their hands behind there backs.

Kylo approached them and said, "Captain Peavey. Lieutenant Mitaka." They both stood up straight and they both said, "Commander Ren." "I thought you took a day off today." Captain Peavey said. "I did, but I was sent up here for something urgent on the Bridge. What seems to be the problem?" Kylo asked. Captain Peavey and Lieutenant Mitaka looked at each other, confused, then, they looked at Kylo. "There's no problem on the Bridge, Commander." Captain Peavey answered.

"But General Hux told me that you, Captain Peavey, sent him down to inform me before he was leaving the Bridge." Kylo explained. "I didn't send him down to you, Commander." Captain Peavey said. "He told us that he was leaving the Bridge to inspect the escape pods, sir." Lieutenant Mitaka added.

Kylo furrowed his eyebrows, in confusion. "Inspecting the escape pods? But he's watching..." Kylo began to say, but, then, he stopped to think for a moment. Suddenly, Kylo's eyes widened as he realized General Hux's intentions. "(y/n)!" Kylo exclaimed, as he rushed out of the Bridge.

Meanwhile, down at the escape pod station, General Hux was carrying you in a dark gray blanket, with one arm, and a basket in his other hand as he was heading to an escape pod. He found one with less fuel in it. He set down the basket and he typed in a passcode and the escape pod door opened. Then, he grabbed the basket and walked inside the escape pod. He placed the basket on the floor, then, he placed you inside it.

General Hux grinned, sinisterly, at you and said, "You will no longer be a distraction to Ren. No more missing work because he has to take care of you. Well, it ends now, little one." He, then, walked out of the escape pod and pressed a button that closed the door, trapping you inside the escape pod. "Goodbye and don't let the asteroids scare you." General Hux said, mockingly.

But just before General Hux pressed the button that would send the escape pod with you inside it into outer space, a Lightsaber activated and the tip of it was next to General Hux's neck. His eyes were wide as he froze in his spot. He turned around and saw none other than Kylo Ren and two Stormtroopers, with their Blasters up.

"General Hux, open the door now!" Kylo commanded. Then, General Hux pressed the button and the escape pod door opened. Kylo deactivated his Lightsaber and he immediately ran inside the escape pod and he picked you up out of the basket. He, then, ran out of the escape pod.

"You two, take General Hux to a detention cell until I figure out what to do with him!" Kylo commanded. Then, the two Stormtroopers grabbed General Hux's upper arms and they escorted him out of the escape pod station.

Kylo looked down at you, making sure you were okay. You had your eyes opened and you cooed at him. Kylo sighed in relief as he held you close against his shoulder and he kissed you multiple times on the side of your little head. He, then, fell down on his knees as he broke down in tears.

"I'm so sorry, my little (y/n). Forgive me for leaving you with that monster. I thought I was going to lose you. I will never leave you out of my sight again. I promise. I love you so, so much, my little (y/n)." Kylo whispered, as he rocked you and kissed your little head again.

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