Imagine #36

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Imagine Kylo Ren proposing to you, but something happens to you before he can do it.

The First Order was throwing a party to take a break from fighting with the Resistance. The party took place in the throne room where the Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, mostly stayed when he's running the First Order. Almost all of the high rank workers were attending the party, including you, since you're Kylo's girlfriend.

It's been a year since you and Kylo have been together. The two of you met during a mission on the planet, Muria. Unbeknownst to you, Kylo developed feelings for you ever since you joined the First Order. When the Resistance attacked the First Order, Kylo rescued you. He checked to make sure that you weren't hurt or anything, which you weren't, and you told him that you were fine.

You were so thankful and amazed that Kylo was looking out for you, especially since he's a good-looking Supreme Leader. Since that day, you developed feelings for him. Then, sooner or later, you both began a relationship together. You meant everything to Kylo.

On the day of the party, Kylo had something special he wanted to do at the party. It was a surprise for you. He just had to wait for the right moment to do it.

Kylo was sitting on his throne chair, observing everyone at the party. He spotted you in the crowd, talking to two female workers. He thought that this was the perfect opportunity to bring you to him. Yet he was feeling nervous at the same time.

He turned to General Hux, who was standing at the bottom of the throne doing nothing. "General Hux." He called out. General Hux looked up at Kylo and he walked up to him. "Yes, Supreme Leader?" He asked. "Could you do me a favor and bring (y/n) over here?" Kylo asked.

General Hux looked confused. "Why can't you ask her yourself?" "I'm too nervous to ask her up here because I'm gonna surprise (y/n) with this." Kylo said, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. General Hux observed it until he realized what it was.

"Ren, does this mean...?" General Hux began to ask, but Kylo finished for him. "Yes, General Hux. I'm gonna propose to (y/n)." He said. General Hux nodded and said, "Ah. I see." "So, will you go get (y/n) for me?" Kylo asked, as he put the box back into his pocket. "Yes, Supreme Leader." General Hux answered, and, then, he stepped down Kylo's throne and he headed towards you.


You were talking with two workers about your relationship with Kylo. "He has been so kind to me—" You were talking until you were interrupted by a droid. "Would you ladies care for some chocolate cake?" It asked, as it held out a tray full of slices of chocolate cake on small plates. "Sure. I would love a slice of cake. Thank you." You said, as you grabbed a slice of cake.

Then, you took your fork, cut a small piece, and ate it. "Mmm. This is delicious. What's inside the cake?" You asked the droid. "Bits of chopped up peanuts." The droids answered. "Mmm. It's really good and crunchy." You commented. Then, the droid simply nodded and it walked off.

As you were eating more of your cake, you felt a finger tap your right shoulder. You turned around and saw General Hux standing behind you. "Hi, General Hux. What is it?" You asked. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, Miss (y/n), but Ren would like to have a word with you. It's important." He said. "Oh. Okay, then." You said, as you cleared your throat, and, then, you followed General Hux to meet with Kylo.

While you were following General Hux, your throat was starting to feel itchy. It was strange. You were thinking that it was from being a bit dehydrated.

You walked up the throne and you stood in front of Kylo, who was smiling at you. "Hi, (y/n)." He said, as he stood up from his chair and looked down at you. "Hello, Kylo. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" You said, and, then, you cleared your throat again, but harder this time.

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