Imagine #8

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Imagine you woke up not feeling good and Kylo Ren is concerned about you.

It was night time as you were sleeping in bed with your boyfriend, Kylo Ren, in his quarters. He had his arms wrapped around you, in a protective embrace. You snuggled against his bare chest with an arm wrapped around his torso.

Kylo took you under his wing ever since the First Order evaded the village where you lived on your home planet, Jakku. He found you in a burning hut and he saved you because you're Force-Sensitive. Because you had no one left, you've decided to join the First Order and let Kylo train you. Since that day, you and Kylo have been close. He's been helpful and protective of you.

You were sleeping peacefully until you, suddenly, felt something painful in your abdomen. You woke up and laid on your back while you held onto your abdomen. You groaned in pain.

"(y/n)?" You heard Kylo's voice. You turned to his direction and you noticed him sitting up on his side, looking at you. "You okay?" He asked you, softly, while he brushed your hair. "I felt a slight sharp pain in my abdomen." You said. "You've been working too hard with your training. You're probably sore." Kylo said, as he laid back down. You nodded. "You're probably right, Kylo. I'll go back to bed." "Good idea." Kylo said, as he wrapped his arms around you and he kissed you on the forehead. "You do feel a little warm. Do you want the covers off of you?" "No thanks. I think I'm good." You said. You both fell asleep afterwards.

Later that night, you woke up, crying out in pain, as you felt something painful again. But this time, it felt worse than before and you felt the pain on the lower right side of your abdomen. You sat up and bent forward as you groaned in pain and held onto the spot where it hurt.

Kylo woke up after he heard you cry out in pain. He sat up and rubbed your back, comforting you. "Are you alright, (y/n)?" Kylo asked you. "No. It hurts worse than earlier, Kylo." You said, groaning. Kylo, gently, leaned you back so you could lay down.

He put his hand on your forehead. "You feel really hot, (y/n). Do you want to go to the infirmary?" Kylo asked. You nodded. "Alright. I'll help you out of bed." Kylo said, as he put his arm around your back and started pulling you out of bed.

But, then, you cried out in pain. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" Kylo asked, concerningly. "It hurts when I move, Kylo." You said. "Okay. I'll call somebody down to help transport you." Kylo said, and, then, he walked over to his desk and took out a comlink.

"Infirmary, this is Commander Ren. I need somebody to come down to my quarters to transport a trainee of mine, (y/n), to the infirmary right away." Kylo spoke into the comlink. "What seems to be the problem?" Someone spoke over the comlink. Kylo gritted his teeth and squeezed on the comlink, in frustration. "Just. Send. Somebody. Down. Here. Now!" He said, gritting his teeth. "R-Right away, Commander."

After that, Kylo changed into his uniform so nobody didn't see him in just his pants.

When he was done, he sat next to you on the bed, holding you close in a warm, gentle embrace, rubbing your back, and kissing the top of your head, trying to comfort you. He hated seeing you in pain.

"Don't worry, (y/n). They'll be here any minute." "I hope they get here right now." You said, groaning in pain. You felt like you wanted to cry. "Please don't leave me, Kylo." You said. "Shh. It's okay, (y/n). I'm here. I promise I won't leave you." Kylo said, and he kissed you on the cheek. You took a deep breath, trying to forget the pain, and said, "Thank you, Kylo."

A minute later, a couple of workers from the infirmary came into Kylo's quarters with a gurney. Kylo, gently, lifted you up, in a bridal style, and he carried you and set you down on the gurney. Then, the workers rushed you out of Kylo's quarters and headed to the infirmary. Kylo was by your side and he held your hand the whole time. Even though you were in pain, you still smiled at him.

You finally made it to the infirmary. When you arrived, a doctor was waiting for you. He came up to you and started examining you. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked. "(y/n) started feeling pain in her abdomen earlier. Now she feels the pain on the lower right side of her abdomen. She also has a fever." Kylo explained.

After the doctor examined you for a minute, he finally spoke. "(y/n), I'm afraid you have appendicitis." You were confused. "What does that mean?" You asked. "It means you need to have your appendix removed immediately. We need to take you to the operating room for surgery." Then, the two infirmary workers rolled you into the hallway to the operating room. You had to release Kylo's hand, which made you upset.

Just as Kylo was about to follow you, the doctor stopped him. "I'm sorry, Commander Ren. You can't come with us." The doctor said. "Please, doctor. I need to be there with (y/n)." Kylo pleaded. "I understand how you feel, Commander. But if we don't take (y/n)'s appendix out immediately, her appendix will rupture and that will put her at a life-threatening situation. Please, just stay in the waiting room. We'll let you know how she's doing." The doctor said, and, then, he headed to the operating room.

For two hours, Kylo sat in the waiting room, all by himself, waiting for any news about you. So far, the doctor hasn't come back with any news. He was so worried about you.

"Ren, what are you doing in the infirmary waiting room?" Kylo looked up and saw General Hux standing next to him. "(y/n) has appendicitis. They took her in for surgery. I haven't heard any word yet from the doctor." Kylo explained. "Well, that explains why you didn't show up to work today." General Hux said.

"And before I forget, I would like to request two days off from work, including today." Kylo requested. General Hux scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Commander R—" General Hux began to say, but, then, he started choking. Kylo, while looking up at the ceiling, held up his hand, like he was holding a cup. "You were saying, General Hux?" He asked, as he released General Hux, who started coughing and taking deep breaths. Then, he straightened himself out. "I'll let you take your two days off, Commander." He said, and, then, he walked off.

Moments later, the doctor walked into the waiting room. Kylo stood up, anxiously, and walked towards the doctor. "How's (y/n), doctor? Is she alright?" He asked, eagerly. "She's fine, Ren. The operation was a success and she's recovering very good." The doctor answered. Kylo let out a sigh of relief.

"Where is she?" "She's in the recovery room." The doctor said. "Can I go see her?" Kylo asked. "Of course you can." The doctor answered. Then, Kylo headed to the recovery room where you were at.

Kylo arrived at your room, where he noticed you sleeping on the recovery bed. He grabbed a chair and he sat down next to you and he held your hand. All he could do was watch you sleep until you woke up.

Minutes later, you woke up and you smiled when you saw Kylo sitting next to you. He smiled at you. "Hey, you. How are you feeling?" Kylo asked you, softly. "Better. But I feel tired." You answered. "It's probably because of the anesthetic and you had a rough night." Kylo said, as he put his hand on your cheek and stroked it. You chuckled, softly.

"I wish I could've been in the operating room with you, (y/n). I was so worried about you." Kylo said. "It's okay, Kylo. What matters is that you're with me right now." You said. Kylo smiled even more and, then, he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You returned the kiss. Then, Kylo pulled away from the kiss and said, "I love you, (y/n)." You smiled even more. "I love you too, Kylo."

Then, you yawned. "I'm so tired." You said. "You should probably get some rest." Kylo said. "Same with you, Kylo. You need some rest too. You can stay with me if you want to." You said. "You're right, (y/n). After all, I took a couple of days off from work to be with you. I'll stay with you." Kylo said.

Then, Kylo laid down next to you on your bed and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He kissed you on the top of your head before the two of you drifted off into sleep.

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