Bucky Meeting Howard Stark

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'This is it, this is it,' Bucky kept repeating that montage in his head as he was getting ready to meet THE Howard Stark. Bucky couldn't even imagine that he would be in the same breathing space as a billionaire let alone THE Howard Stark! "Ok Buck, calm down all you are doing is just meeting a regular guy that is worth billions and make terrific gadgets, no big deal, no big deal at all." Bucky said trying to calm his heart rate and nerves but then it spiked back up when thinking about meeting THE Howard Stark! Bucky flopped back on his bed beside Ramona who was enjoying a glorious dream about chasing the neighborhood cat that always seem to tease her through the window of Bucky and Steve apartment, as soon as she was about to capture the annoying beast, she wake up! Ramona looked around the room trying to figure out who woke her up from her quest, when she turned to Bucky, she couldn't help but to feel annoyed at him for letting the beast escape from her clutches. Bucky didn't seem to notice the glare his little girl was giving him instead he pulled her on top of him making Ramona wiggle by the sudden grab, then settle enjoying the love.

"You know girl, I never met a billionaire. What should I say, 'Hey Mr. Stark my name's James, but please call me Bucky I love your inventions' no I can't do that, Oh! how about," as Bucky sat back up with Ramona head falling on his lap, "Nice to meet you Mr. Stark My name's James you're a great inventor I love your work!" Yes I think that will work, what do you think girl!." Bucky ask Ramona, who let out a big yawn giving Bucky a side-eye look before scratching herself. Bucky let out a smile, "I'll take that as a yes!" Bucky said giving Ramona a final hug before finally putting on his shoes, "I guess having Captain America as a best friend have it's perks, Oh my girl, i'm meeting THE Howard Stark, I can't do this, I can't do this." Bucky said flopping back down, but this time on top of Ramona, who was surprise at the sudden weight that Bucky put on her. Ramona turned her head licking Bucky on his hair line, "You're right girl, I can do this I survive Hydra I can met Howard Stark." Bucky then walked to the entry of his tent calling Ramona over to him, 'Heel' Bucky commanded as both pair made their way to Howard private section.

As Bucky and Ramona was making their way to Howard private section, Bucky looked down to Ramona, having to remind himself to get her new gear. When Bucky reach the door a guard looked at him asking for his name. "Sgt. Barnes from the 107th. and NCO Ramona" Bucky stated the guard nod his head giving Bucky a salute, "Go in Sgt. Barnes, Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers are expecting you." The guard said moving out of Bucky and Ramona way. Bucky gave a salute back walking pass and entering his hero private sector. Bucky took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves again, Ramona sense his nerves and gave his hand a quick lick and a nudge, Bucky looked down and smiled giving Ramona a pet before continuing on. Bucky could hear Howard and Steve having a conversation about a new shield for Steve to use, he then walked pass a blonde hair woman who wasn't paying any attention to anything around her. Bucky cleared his throat, "Excuse me ma'am is Mr. Howard and Captain Rogers through this door." "Yea just go ahead in." The Blonde responded not taking her eyes off the newspaper, Bucky couldn't help but notice her legs, it's been a while so eye candy was always good to have since Peggy was taken by his buddy. "Thank You ma'am." Bucky said walking pass and entering the room.

Bucky and Ramona entered the room and automatically witnessing a funny sight, Bucky heard five gun shots before reaching the conner and spotting Steve protecting himself from his girl crush who had a smoking gun. Bucky didn't know what happen, but he didn't want to be involved that's for sure, Ramona looked at the crazy woman and wasn't sure if she should defend new Steve or stay by Bucky, she choose the ladder. "Yes, I think it work perfectly." Peggy said dropping the gun then shimming past Steve before giving him a smile then walking out the room in grace. Bucky looked back at his buddy not knowing what happen, "I have a few design ideas for the new suit." Steve said looking like he was in shock but also more in love with his lady crush, "Anything you want pal." Howard said looking equally shock. Bucky couldn't believe Howard was right in front of him, in the flesh, looking every bit of a rich billionaire. Steve notice his friend and Ramona and smiled waving them over.

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