A Tragic Day

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It's been a few months now that Bucky moved into his apartment, and everything was feeling like a home. Bucky never thought shopping for his own place would take over his life, he really cared with how his home looked and meticulously picked out every decor and furniture. He even allowed Rebecca to pick out some stuff just to give a little bit of a woman touch to the place. His mother also contribute with the little things that was needed, so to say Bucky place was complete was an understatement. Bucky and Connie was still going strong, Bucky wasn't sure if he wanted to marry her but her company was very much welcomed. Over the past months of them dating Ramona haven't taken a liking to Connie. No matter what Bucky tried to do Ramona was just not having it and refuse to even be in the same room as Connie. Bucky had the suspension that every since he kicked Ramona out of his room when ever Connie was over, it left a bad impression for Ramona but maybe Bucky was over thinking it. Either way he tried to get his little girl use to his girlfriend and it wasn't really working out.

When telling Steve about the dilemma all his best friend did was laugh and told Bucky, "Sorry Buck, but it's hard juggling two women." "Some friend" thought Bucky remembering the conversation that he shared with Steve. Steve haven't been around as much. Mrs. Rogers feel ill with Tuberculosis or T.B. for short they are calling it and is finding it hard to shake off the sickness and she's been in the hospital every since. Everyone is hopeful that she can shake it off and return to being her loving self. Steve haven't left her side, not once, but Bucky made sure he leave to shower and eat promising that he will stay with Mrs. Rogers to keep her company. Seeing Mrs. Rogers sick wasn't something anyone wanted to see. Everyone visit her when they can giving her flowers and get well cards making sure she is comfortable. As the months continue to pass her condition wasn't getting better if anything it was getting worst but no one was willing to admit it, to afraid to face the reality of the situation, that Mrs. Rogers wasn't going to make a full recovery. For a moment it did seem like she was getting better but then things took a nose dive pretty fast and she was back to fighting. Bucky tried being that support system for Steve making sure to be with him and his mother everyday but also giving them their time together.

One day when Bucky made Steve leave to shower and to fill his body with food, he look to Mrs. Rogers seeing her looking so small in the hospital bed. He grab her hand and made a promise to her that was between just them. "Mrs. Rogers, I know you are a strong woman, you are one of the strongest that I know outside of my mom." giving a little laugh, "But just know, I will always be there for Steve. To make sure that he don't get himself into to much trouble." clearing his throat feeling the tears coming down his face, "Just know that I will try my damnedest  to make sure he get through college. I will protect him the best I can to always make sure that he will never feel alone." taking a deep breath looking down, Bucky found the next sentence very hard to say not wanting to say them, but he felt that he need to reassure her, to make her know that it was ok move one and that Steve will always have him. "You can move one Mrs. Rogers, if you want. You have my word that Steve will always have a family who will not leave him by himself. I will promise you that. I know you're hurting and afraid to leave Steve by himself. It's up to you of course, but if you are tired you can let go. I'm here for Steve till the end of the line, I promise." Giving Mrs. Rogers a kiss on the hand, Bucky wipe the tears that have fallen as he ended his promise to the woman that was like a second mother to him. Hearing Steve making his back to his mother Bucky stood up making sure he didn't look like a complete cry baby, he gave Mrs. Rogers one more kiss before leaving giving his best friend a hug as he left her room giving son a mother their time.

Two days after leaving Mrs. Rogers with a promise that no other soul know about beside Ramona, Bucky was woken up by his phone ringing loudly from the kitchen. Jumping up he turned on his light looking at the clock seeing it was 2am, he knew what the phone call maybe about. Rushing to his kitchen taking a moment before answering, getting prepared for the emotional rack that he know will come regardless with how well he prepare himself. Taking a deep breath he final answer the phone in a shaky sleepy voice Bucky answered, "Hello" hearing the sniffles that was on the other end Bucky felt the tears once again coming down his face shaking his head as he held on to the phone with a clench hand "Steve what's wrong." Bucky ask already having a feeling about what his friend was calling for. Hearing Steve taking a deep breath he answered, "She's gone Buck, she left me." finally breaking down Steve let go all of his emotion, crying over the lost of his mother. Bucky didn't say anything just listening to his friend break down over the phone. Ramona walked into the kitchen were Bucky was and sat by his side leaning her head on his side nudging his hand for pets. Bucky complied giving himself some comfort from her himself. "Steve, i'm on my way. I'll be there soon" "Ok Buck." both hanging up the phone.

Taking a deep breath and giving into his own emotion Bucky reach down and hug Ramona and just cried over the lost of his second mother and also cried for Steve for losing his mother. Ramona not use to this kind of emotion from her Bucky just sat there and let the man cry on her coat. She tried to lick away his tears but they just keep falling  so she just rested her head on his and let him use her for comfort. Bucky letting out the emotion pulled away from Ramona giving her a few pets said, "Sorry girl, didn't mean to get you wet." giving a laugh trying to wipe away his tears from her coat. Ramona just looked him with her mix-match eyes as if understanding what was happening. Bucky felt that Ramona was looking at his soul, never before seeing Ramona look at him in that way, in that moment Ramona truly look majestic and wise beyond her years. Bucky stood up giving Ramona a final pet letting his hand slide from her head walking to his room getting dress to walk to the hospital. 

Bucky spotted his mother and sister with Steve who was sitting in a chair outside his mother room. Bucky immediately brought Steve into a hug saying, "I'm sorry buddy." Steve just nod his head letting go of Bucky and taking a step back, trying to compose himself. He look to the Barnes family grateful that all of them made it to the hospital, and couldn't help but feel that he truly was part of the Barnes family. Mrs. Barnes gave Steve a mother hug saying "It will be ok honey, you are always welcome. You have us with you, never feel like you're alone ok. If you need anything always call or come over ok don't hesitate." Steve nod again giving Mrs. Barnes a hug in return."You're not alone buddy, never, always remember you have me and my family, you are family." Bucky said joining the hug along with Rebecca who was to emotional herself to really say anything. Steve really did feel love, with his mother gone he felt that he was alone in the world for a while, only having his mother for so long and no other family. He forgot that he had family all this time in the form of the Barnes Family. How foolish was he to think he was by himself, smiling he pulled away from Mrs. Barnes and said, "Thank You, all of you, thank you for reminding me that i'm not alone." Wiping his tears away but some still falling he took one last look to his mom room and said "If you don't mind I would like to have some time with her one last time. " "Of course dear take all the time you need we will sit out her waiting on you." Steve walked to his mother room giving his last goodbye to her. In a way Steve is happy his mother isn't suffering anymore, she looked very peaceful as if she was sleeping. Kissing her on her forehead Steve put his on hers and said, "Goodbye mother, I know you will watch over me, just know i'm not alone I have the Barnes. I think I would be ok." Walking out of the room one last time.

Walking out of the room Bucky asked, "You ok man?" "Yea Buck, i'll be ok, in time." Steve answered his best friend. Throwing an arm over Steve shoulder Bucky walked out with Steve, his mother and sister out the hospital. Making it to Bucky apartment they were greeted by Ramona who was wagging her crooked tail excited to see Steve after so long and giving him kisses. "No Ramona not now, let Steve be." Bucky tried to get Ramona away from Steve. "It's ok Buck, I don't mind." Steve said sitting down on Bucky couch. Buck nod letting Ramona continue to give Steve affection. Walking to his spear room Bucky handed Steve a pillow and covers, "Ok buddy, here you go if you need anything let me know." "Thanks Buck, really." Steve said making his bed for the night on the couch, then laying down with Ramona laying on the floor next to Steve. "Come on  Ramona let's go to bed girl" Bucky tired to bring Ramona to his room, but surprisingly Ramona just laid next to Steve and ignore Bucky. Bucky and Steve couldn't believe that she didn't want to go into the room with him. Steve told Bucky, "She's fine Buck, I don't mind." Bucky said "Ok pal, goodnight." "Goodnight Buck." Steve then reach over petting Ramona and letting her warmth consume him. During the night Steve did cry off and on but his heart was healing  and with the help of Ramona and the Barnes family the grief was a little more bearable.

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