Joining the Army

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Bucky didn't know how to answer the question. It never crossed his mind that they allow animals to join the military. Looking at Ramona then looking at Lt. Andrews who was waiting patiently knowing the question will take a while to answer. "What do you mean, having her join the Army?" Bucky asked not quite understanding fully what was being ask, but at the sometime understanding clearly what was being ask of him. Lt. Andrews gesture towards the bench in front of the tent to sit down. Both men and Ramona made their way to the bench, Ramona remain in front of Bucky siting between him and Lt. Andrews, still not trusting the stranger no matter how great he give head rubs.

"Well James, what I mean is, would you mind letting Ramona join the Army with you? She would go through all the requirements that every solider have to go through, such as her paperwork being combined with yours, physical checkup, and of course Boot Camp, both of you will go through everything together, some recruits aren't so lucky as you two are they have to start from scratch, starting from the bottom and working their way to a bond. I see that both you and your dog have a strong bond, she's well trained and protective of you. Those traits are what we look for when recruiting animals, but mostly what we look for is the protectiveness and the strong bond between animal and handler, you and your dog have that and more. She haven't take her eyes off me the entire time and when you tried to move away she stayed right beside you moving with you. Like I said, you and your friend trained her well." Lt. Andrews said with a smile. Bucky felt pride at the compliment that his little girl was receiving, he always knew that they shared a bond that was never questioned, what he didn't realize until this moment that while he thought he was just training her to make her the best dog in the world, he was truly training her to be protection, Bucky always wanted her to be able to protect his family when needed, she was smart enough and had the right temperament to be able to be a great family dog but also a great protection dog, Ramona knew how to turn it off and go back to being her goofy self. When Bucky and Steve was training her to obey the special command Steve wasn't so sure it was a good idea, but Bucky knew that Ramona could handle it, that's why he worked hard on making sure that she master the command before continuing on working with her with more advance training. Only himself and Steve knew the commands and Bucky wanted to keep it that way in case of dire situation. When Bucky first gave Ramona the secret command with Mr. Wade Bucky wasn't sure that Ramona was going to be able to do it, when she did it flawlessly it took Bucky by complete surprise and he knew then Ramona was truly special.

Coming out of his own thoughts Bucky said with hesitation, "If I agree to letting her join and she don't pass or more importantly if she does wonderfully, will both her and I be able to also return home together when all of this is over?" Bucky asked looking Lt. Andrews straight in his eyes. Lt. Andrews smiled looking to Ramona then looking back to Bucky and said, "Of course, you both start together and you both will end together." Bucky looked to Ramona petting her on her head giving much thought to a decision that will change both of their lives forever. "What will she and I do?" asked Bucky still looking at Ramona who looked back at him giving him all her attention. Lt. Andrews then explain, "Well, it depends on what both of yours strengths are, it could either be one of three things; Scouts, Sensory or Detection and Tracking. What ever score the highest really that will be your position in your squad." Lt. Andrews finished watching James expression on his face, once again patiently waiting for all of it to sink in with him. Bucky once again look from Lt. Andrews back to Ramona. Ramona gave Bucky a nudge on his arm wanting to ease the tension that she sense from him. Bucky took his time making the decision, this wasn't about him anymore, now he have to think about his little girl and what was best for her. Bucky looked in Ramona eyes seeing that fighting spirit that always burned in them, taking Ramona face in his hands he began to rub her face, Ramona closed her eyes enjoying the love. Bucky asked one more question that will seal the deal, it was important to him. "Lt. Andrews, i'm going to ask one more question and I need a complete honest answer." Bucky said not looking at the Lt. continuing rubbing Ramona face. Lt. Andrews nod his head, having an idea on what the question will be. Bucky swallowed before asking, "If something were to happen to me, will Ramona be able to return home, to my mother with no question ask, no bullshit, can she return home without hesitation?" Lt. Andrews put his hand on Bucky shoulder and said, "I'll make sure to put that as part of your paperwork that you request her being sent home if something were to compromise your well being." Bucky swallowed again still looking at Ramona who was also looking back. Lt. Andrews was watching them, it was like he was watching a conversation that no one else will ever understand. Right then and there Lt. Andrews knew they will be a force to be reckon with on the field if James agreed.

Bucky let out a sigh, then turned to Lt. Andrews and said to him, "Yes, I would like for Ramona and myself to join the Army." Lt. Andrews nod his head, sticking out his hand to Bucky, "Ok James lets go back into the tent so I can give you paperwork for Ramona." Both men walked back to the tent this time bring Ramona along, Bucky made sure to keep Ramona close. When both men and dog walked in everyone watch them and looking at the weird dog that was walking along side them. Lt. Andrews sat down on his chair, Bucky soon followed sitting back on the chair he sat on earlier. 'Lay Down' Ramona." Bucky commanded, Ramona did the command, laying across his feet looking around the tent and looking at everybody in it. Lt. Andrews pulled out more paperwork this time for Ramona information. "Here you go James, I just need the same information as last time, if you pass me your paperwork that way I can paperclip both of you guys papers together." Lt. Andrews instructed. Bucky said, "Yes sir." handing Lt. Andrews his folder. Then began filling out the information needed for Ramona. Once the paperwork was all filled out Bucky handed back the complete work to Lt. Andrews who took it then adding it with Bucky files. "Ok James here go different paperwork to take with you, to bring to your physical, when you are there they will look over both you and Ramona. Once your all done just bring the paperwork back here and once again you will get your orders." Lt. Andrews said with a smile ending it with a hand shake with Bucky giving him back his folder. 

Bucky shook hands with the man taking back his folder putting it under his arm, grabbing Ramona leash ready to leave and go home. Ramona got up following Bucky out the tent. "Thank you sir, i'll see you soon." Bucky bid goodbye walking out the tent, this time making sure he had his keys. "Goodbye James, i'll see you soon." Lt. Andrews said waving at the duo. On the way home Bucky was thinking hard at what he just did. He felt proud that both himself and Ramona joined the Army, well not until they pass their physical but still he felt proud and couldn't wait to tell his family. Stoping, making Ramona jerk from the sudden action, she looked back wondering what was wrong, Bucky looking at Ramona said, "I don't think I want to tell Steve, he will kill us girl!" Ramona gave him a look that Bucky swear said, 'What do you mean us'

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