Heart to Heart

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To say Bucky was pissed was an under statement. Bucky was seeing fire, he was picturing Smith hanging from his own hands, no matter how big he was. Bucky didn't go back to his bunk, he found a secluded area with a nice view under a tree. When he made it to the area he took off Ramona leash and collar and just allowed her to be herself for a short while. Ramona shook her fur feeling nice and free. Bucky sat down calling Ramona over, when she made it to him she laid on his lap enjoying some quiet time with her Bucky. Bucky put his face in her fur, trying to keep his tears at bay, they weren't tears of sadness just tears of anger. "I'm sorry girl, I didn't mean to get you hurt, I didn't mean for that asshole to ever touch you. I don't know how he even got in the Army." Bucky voice was muffled by Ramona fur. Ramona lick Bucky anywhere she can reach, feeling his anger, she just wanted him to feel happiness, she didn't like feeling anything other then that emotion from him. Bucky kept his face in her fur even after hearing footsteps making their way to them.

"Barnes." Lt. Peterson called. Bucky immediately stood up saluting his commanding officer, "Sir!" "At ease solider" Lt. Peterson said taking a seat on a rock getting comfortable. Bucky did but still wanting to show respect. "I'm sorry sir. I know St. Sgt. Brown said to go to my Bunk, I disobey direct orders and i'm sorry. I would like to subject myself to disciplinary action." Bucky said looking at Lt. Peterson in the eyes. Lt. Peterson repeated, "At ease solider." Bucky took a breath sitting down in his previous spot grabbing Ramona again putting her head on his lap petting her on her head. Lt. Peterson then looked out to the beautiful view before continuing. "I heard about what happen at the washing station." Bucky felt the same heated anger, Ramona sat up licking Bucky on his cheek to comfort him then rubbing her face under his chin holding her head in place with her eyes close. Bucky absentmindedly place hand on the side of her face looking at the view, feeling the anger leave...just a bit. "Yes Sir." Bucky said with a bit of anger. Lt. Peterson turn to look at Bucky, "You were very lucky that Disney and Johns held you back, you properly wouldn't be here now." Bucky knew that, he knew if he killed Smith he would be put in jail or worst, dishonorable discharged out the Army. "Yes, Sir I realize that now." Bucky said looking at Lt. Peterson. Lt. Peterson nod his head then look back to the beautiful view, "What Smith did wasn't right, but you need to understand Barnes and understand this now before something like that happen again. We are all a team, you may not get along with everyone here, but know out on the field, we are all one, one Army one Sound. The Germans don't care who we like, who we love, who are our friends they just see enemy the same as we do them. When one of us are down, we need to know that our team will rescue us, to make sure we get back home to our families. If you see Smith down you better try to save him, if Smith see you down he better try to save you, it's called teamwork Barnes. You all will learn this during the rest of your basic training." Lt. Peterson said hoping Bucky understand what he was saying to him. Bucky at the moment wouldn't give the man water if he was dyeing of thirst. Bucky couldn't even see himself helping Smith with anything, he hurt Ramona and that was unforgivable, but if the time did come for Bucky to make the decision would he risk saving Smith, the answer was a defiant no.

Bucky didn't answer, he wasn't ready to answer that question, right now he was to selfish, his dog got hurt by Smith for no reason at all other than Smith being an asshole. "Understood Sir." Bucky replying to Lt. Peterson. Lt. Peterson knew Bucky didn't understand, and he won't until he's in battle and see for himself what war was like, things change when you see a man shouting for help, desperate for anyone to answer his call to help him out of danger. "One day Barnes, each and everyone of you will truly understand." Lt. Peterson said looking at Bucky in his eyes before standing up, "You and that dog of yours have a strong bond Barnes, both of you are further along then the others in that aspect, I see why you made Sergeant. Get some food and go to bed Barnes tomorrow training will be harder and strenuous you both need all the rest you can get." Lt. Peterson then left Bucky alone in his own thoughts. Bucky was thankful for Lt. Peterson words of wisdom, the man been to war, fought in the war, came back from the war, then going back out when his training was over. Bucky knew what he received was a treat, he will take everything Lt. Peterson said to him tonight with him on the field when it was his turn to due his part in the war. "Sir!" Bucky shouted gaining Lt. Peterson attention, "Thank You sir, for taking your time out of your schedule to talk with me." Bucky said giving Lt. Peterson a salute. Lt. Peterson nod his head walking away to his own bunk were Bud was waiting for him.

Bucky gave off a smile when Lt. Peterson was out of sight, "Come on girl lets go eat." Bucky said putting on Ramona collar and leash then walking to the dining hall, when Bucky got his tray of food he found John with Red and made his way over. "Hey Bucky, how's Ramona doing?" John asked looking at Ramona who was lying down near Bucky feet. "She seem ok now, I think she will be sore, but she's a strong lady I know she won't let that stop her." Bucky said with passion looking at his little girl trying to relax. John nod his head with a smile,"So who was that guy? Did you know him from before?" John ask wondering why the man kicked Bucky dog like that. "No, we were at the same recruiting center, he's just an asshole John try not to gain his attention." Bucky said, his protective side showing. John nod his head taking a bite of the bread that was on his tray, "Yea, I figured he was an asshole, he looks like Pete from my uncle cartoon that he's creating." John said laughing at the image. Bucky didn't know what the cartoon look like but he can only imagine. Bucky continue to eat his food, he then turned his head at Red who was asleep with his butt on Ramona butt looking in the opposite direction. "How's Red doing." Buck asked with a mouth full of food. John look to Red smiling a bit, "You know, I think he's starting to like me, all this military stuff is making us work together and really get to know each other better. Lt. Peterson wasn't wrong about that." John said petting Red on his back. Bucky smiled at the duo, he could see a difference in Red behavior towards John when the man was giving him a bath, Red actually looked to him, it was a huge step forward to their bond growing stronger.

After their meal both men played a quick card game in their bunks that John has packed, funny enough the cards had Mickey Mouse prints on them. Both men tied their dogs to their post after the dogs ate their meal making sure to measure their food the way the Military wanted them to,"So Bucky, a nice fella like yourself must have a lady at home." John asked with a cheeky smile. Bucky chuckled, "No, no girl is waiting for me, I was seeing a dam off and on but nothing serious, how about you anyone waiting for you?" Bucky ask, cutting his eyes at his friend from above his cards. John turned just a little bit red pulling at his white shirt collar, "Sort of, her name is Rose, she's very pretty and really nice, her cooking is amazing too you will swear you were in heaven and her eyes are so beautiful." John said with passion of a love sick man placing down one of his card picking up a new one. Bucky shook his head at the man description, "She don't know I like her though, but I hope when I return home as a war hero it will impress her and hopefully win her heart. I know i'm not manly for saying these things my father always told me I shouldn't be such a sap, its bad for a man to show his feelings to a woman." John said dejectedly  playing his hand winning the game. Bucky drop his hand, he really was bad at cards. "It's ok to tell a woman how you feel about her John, if you don't someone else will, your father sound like he's a jerk, no offense, but that man just tear you down John." Bucky said softly not wanting to hurt John feelings to badly. John nod his head, "I know Bucky, he's been doing that all my life, I don't know why he do it, sometime I think he hope I die in this war and never return home." John then look to the side trying to get his father voice out his head. "That's not true John, don't ever think it is, your father love you don't ever doubt that." Bucky said with firmness in his voice not liking the statement that John said. John turned to his friend, "You really think that Buck, because it's really hard to tell." Bucky nod his head, "Yes, i'm 100% sure that he love his son, you are his son John no matter what happen or what he say always remember that. Your father may say harsh things and it's hard to see now, but trust me you father gave you a great dog to take with you here. Red is a great dog John, he may not be your father favorite but you and Red was match together by your father for a reason."

John never looked at it that way, his father was harsh with his words, but Bucky did have a point, he loved his father just as much as he is sure his father love him. His father loved his dogs and breed them with care making sure they have great homes and keep the ones no one wants for the rest of their lives, even giving him Red, showed how much his father truly loved him. Red wasn't his father favorite because he was the runt in his litter. Red was growling into a fine looking dog, he still had pounds to gain but he sure wasn't a runt anymore. John then smiled at Bucky, "Thank you Bucky, that means a lot to me." John said gathering his cards and packing them in his personal case. Bucky said, "Of course pal, that's what friends are for." Bucky then went to his bag pulling out his mother pie turning to John. "Want to share my mother pie, I was suppose to eat it on the way here but I figure now is a good time." John all but ran to Bucky with tears in his eyes at seeing actual food! "Yes! Bucky of course I do!"

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