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" Hurry Up James! We don't want to be late to your graduation." Mrs. Barnes said from downstairs waiting for her son to get out of his room. "Ok i'm coming down now!" Bucky replied to his mother. "We should just leave him mom, all that matter at the graduation is Steve anyway." Rebecca said from the couch reading a book while petting Ramona who was watching from the floor wondering were the family was going. Seeing Bucky coming down the stairs wearing his Sunday suit and hair slick back with his graduation gown on he said "Haha little sister, everyone in Brooklyn know its not a graduation until i'm there." "Stop it you two. Come on now let go before we are late." Rebecca sticking out her tongue to her brother who retuned the favor back "Kids! now!." Shouted Mrs. Barnes knowing what her children was doing behind her back. The family was making their way to the front door, Ramona jumping up thinking she was going with them, was sadly disappointed when Bucky grab her collar before she made a breakthrough. Both Mrs. Barnes and Rebecca quickly left out the door knowing how Ramona get when separated from Bucky. "No girl, not today you have to stay here and watch the house we will be back in a few hours." Giving her a kiss on the head Bucky move to leave looking back hearing Ramona giving a pitiful whine as she moved forward with her head turned to the side in a confuse matter. "I'll be back I promise, don't give me those eyes i'll even bring you back a burger, your favorite." Bucky said trying not feel bad for leaving Ramona behind even though he always do in the end. "James Barnes! i'm not going to tell you again to get a move on!." Mrs. Banes said losing her patience with her son. Sighing Bucky closed the door still hearing Ramona whines from the outside as she jump to the window watching the family walk down the street towards the local high school.

"Finally you all made it, I was getting worried that you wasn't going to make it on time" Mrs. Rogers said greeting her friend giving Rebecca a hug. "Yes, we barley made it. I swear that boy will be late to his funeral." Mrs. Barnes said to her friend sitting down placing her purse on her lap. "Well you all are here, that's all that matter. Our babies are finally graduating high school I thought this day would never come." Mrs. Rogers feeling emotional thinking how far her son have come and proud of him getting into the art school that he always wanted to go to. She always wanted to be an inspiration to her son every since her late husband passed. That's why she went to school to be a nurse, she wanted to show her son to never let his health stop him from achieving his goals and to always reach for them breaking down all the doors. Mrs. Barnes wasn't to happy either about her son graduating, because James found an apartment and is moving out next week so it will be just her and Rebecca at home. Even though James is only moving a few blocks away it still hurt to know her baby is growing up and moving on with his life despite her pleading for him to never leave home and to stay with her forever, maybe she will try harder with Rebecca. Laughing at the thought Mrs. Barnes couldn't be more happy for her son. Hearing the the music play everyone in the stands brought all their attention to the front waiting for the new graduation class.

"Hello everyone and welcome to another wonderful graduation ceremony!" the Principle  said speaking into a microphone. "Everyone! give a round of applause for this year graduation class!" Seeing all the seniors waking out from behind the stage all the families on the stands stood up giving a roaring round of applause. Some more well off families taking pictures of their child walking down the aisle. Spotting their sons Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Rogers stood up waving at each boy hoping they spot them in the crowd, of course both boys spotted their mothers and waving just as vigorously as their mothers. Taking a seat in there respective seats each senior waited to be called up to get their diploma, but first they have sit through a speech given by the class valedictorian J.P. Morgan Chase who received more wedges then most. Once the inspirational speech about success and future achievements was over the crowd cheered for J.P., most was just glad he was done considering that their butts was starting to hurt from sitting in the most uncomfortable chairs the school have. "Ok thank you J.P. for that amazing speech, I hope everyone will achieve greatness in their future." Said the Principal giving J.P. a pat on his back who walked down sitting a few seats away from Bucky, who was making goo goo eyes at a young lady by the name of Connie, who in turn blush and couldn't believe that THE James Barnes was noticing her. Steve of course noticing his best friend flirting during the speech could only shake his head and gave a little chuckle putting his head down covering his face with his hand.

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