Bucky's at War

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Bucky and John made it to their respective hangers, both going in separate directions Bucky is heading to Italy while John is going to Austria. Both men had their comeback uniform on, when they touch down it's straight to the fight. Ramona and Red had their full gear on also, both was looking like respectable war dogs, Ramona and Red wagged their tails at each other in farewell hoping to see each other soon. Bucky and John were shaking their hands in farewell. "Well Bucky, I guess this is it." John said letting go of Bucky hand grabbing his pack. Bucky nod his head, "Yea, let's promise that both of us will make it through, don't win with out me and Ramona you two." Bucky said looking John and Red. Bucky remember when they first came to England and the dog wanted nothing to do with John, my have time change. John pet Red on his head, "Don't worry man, with Red here we can't lose, those asshole won't even know what hit them." Bucky then step forward giving John a hug, who returned it just as tight, both friends said their final goodbyes when their plane landed heading off to war.

When Bucky landed with Ramona in Italy, it was like being in a different world. Bucky never seen or smelt anything like it, yes they were at home base but you can hear the battle in the far distance, the new soldiers ran to the briefing tents to get their orders and meet their units. Ramona could hear the battle in the distance better then Bucky can, she hear guns, tanks, and missiles all at once, it wasn't loud to were it disturb her hearing, but she knew what was going on. Ramona even smelt a smell she never encountered, she wasn't sure what it was but it made her stomach turn. Bucky and Ramona made it to the tent, listening to Colonel Phillips briefing. "Welcome everyone as you know, this briefing is about catching you all up on whats been going on." Colonel Phillips said showing everyone the battle plans and stations of were they will be staying. "Ok do anyone have any questions? No, great please follow your leaders and head out!" "Sir! Yes Sir!" everyone yelled. Bucky and Ramona walked to a jeep that will take them where the rest of the 107th are. Since Bucky was a Sergeant he will help lead his unit during battle, because he didn't have experience he will still get backup from his Lieutenant. Bucky felt his stomach turn as they get closer to the battlefield, he looked to Ramona who didn't look she was bother, but he did notice her nose was going crazy and she was stiff not at all relax as she appears. Bucky pet Ramona to help calm himself more then her.

When Bucky reach his home away from home, he was greeted with chaos, he see soldiers running around, he also seen hurt men being carried off jeeps and into medical tents were he heard men screams. Bucky had to shake off the shock when he heard, "Sgt. Barnes! report for duty!" yelled Lt. Jones. Bucky and Ramona ran to catch up to the tent were Lt. Jones with the 107th. "Everyone this is here is Sgt. Barnes and NCO Ramona, they will lead us in battle make them feel welcome, respect their leadership, and get ready for the fight. Sgt. Barnes i'm sure Co. Phillips went over the briefing with you." "Yes Sir, he did, we are ready for war and to kick some assess." Bucky said with a school boy smile. The 107th liked their Sgt. so far, they can get behind this one. Lt. Jones nod his head, "Alright Sgt. Barnes, lead your unit i'll meet you all in the jeep in 30mins." Bucky turned to his unit, he wasn't use to leadership but he didn't want his unit to lose faith in him, he had a plan to encourage his unit, making them the best, he also wanted them to feel that they can take on anything that came their way, looking at his men, he already knew they did.

"Hello, my name is Sgt. Barnes, nice to meet all of you. I hope I can lead you well in battle." Bucky said with a voice of a leader....even if he didn't feel it. The 107th just looked at their Sgt. with blank stares. Bucky didn't really know what to say to his unit, he look down at Ramona who looked back at him then she took matters in her own paws to help her Bucky out to gain the respect from the unit. Ramona stood up giving a few barks mix with showing her teeth and growling looking at the unit with her mix-match eyes. The unit all jump, scared of the crazy looking dog, then  looking back at their Sgt. who was smiling. "I'm sure you will be a great leader Sgt. Barnes." Timothy "Dum Dum" Duncan said giving Bucky a salute. The rest of Bucky unit gave him a salute. Bucky then nod his head, petting Ramona who quiet down but still giving the unit a stare letting them know 'She's watching them'. Bucky went over the battle plan with his unit telling them were to be and when to strike. Bucky got to know his unit, their strength and weakness, and place his men accordingly, in return his unit could tell their Sgt. have natural talent in leadership and knew what he was doing, also that dog of his helped just a little to gain the unit respect. With a battle plan in motion the unit walked out to Lt. Jones who was waiting for them, to take them to the frontlines. Lt. Jones saw that Sgt. Barnes gained his unit respect, he was impress with the rookie Sgt.

"Alright men be ready once we leave home base, be on the look out, stay alert, don't let your guard down." Lt. Jones said quietly not wanting to gain any attention. The unit nod all their heads, knowing that they are about face real enemies, some of the 107th knew what to expect, so they were ready, already looking out in the trees for enemies, Bucky gave Ramona a pat on the head getting into the zone, not really knowing what to expect. Lt. Jones parked the jeep in a hidden place, putting a cover over it. Lt. Jones the started using signals for the unit to follow him to the barracks were the rest of the troops was fighting. Hearing the battle happen so close put true fear in Bucky at that moment, this was his first, true battle and here he was feeling like he was about to throw up. Ramona felt Bucky fear, she knew she had to find away to make Bucky feel better but she wasn't for sure what to do. With the unit walking towards the rest of their troops Ramona stop with her miss-match ears perk and her crooked tail stiff looking towards the trees. Everyone stop, looking at the direction that the dog was looking in, everyone held their breath waiting to see what was making their dog be on alert.

Bucky had his gun ready, Lt. Peterson taught all the Dog Warfare handlers one important thing, 'The enemies will always aim for your dogs, they know your dogs are very valuable and our secret weapon, don't ever let your partner be an easy target.' Bucky heard Lt. Peterson lesson in his head. Bucky knew he will try with all his power to never let these asshole harm Ramona. Suddenly a gun went off taking aim at the unit, then all hell broke loose. It felt like guns were firing everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Bucky and Ramona was behind a boulder with Jim Morita shooting at the enemy, Bucky and Jim were crack shooters hitting their target right were it counts, both working as a great team. Ramona was laying down between them, while it basic training, Lt. Paterson taught them, when in battle keep your dog protected especially in a shoot out. This wasn't Jim first rodeo, he had no problem killing another human being, for Bucky this was different, he never before had to take a person life, sure he wanted to but never acted on it, this time around he didn't have a choice. At first Bucky didn't want to take another human life but a quick tongue lashing from Dum Dum all that went out the door. Bucky didn't really have time to think about what he was doing, he was just doing what he was train to, and that was to be a solider and don't get killed.

Once it quieted down, everyone looked around the carnage making sure no one was playing possum. Bucky and Jim took a breath able to relax at least for a minute, Jim recovered quicker then Bucky, he then looked to Bucky making sure he was ok, knowing what it was like going through your first gun battle. Jim left Bucky to his own thought but still siting next to him when he's ready to move on. Bucky still had his eyes close, putting Ramona in his lap trying to digest what happen. Bucky killed a man, he killed a human being, and not just one but multiple. Bucky knew that war wasn't a joke, he knew people got hurt and some don't come back home. He knew that, but that don't make the reality of war any better. War wasn't what they propaganda on the radio and the picture show, they didn't tell you about the carnage that was being left behind in a once beautiful country, they didn't tell you about what it was like hearing a slowly dieing human sounded like, they didn't tell you about the panic you feel when your body know it's in danger and it want to survive. Propaganda didn't tell you the truth, they just showed the better piece of the pie. Never listen to propaganda, it may get you killed.

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