Steve Graduation

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"I can't believe I did it." thought Steve as he was getting ready for his college graduation, its been a long hard four years but Steve was finally getting his diploma. It felt like a dream for him, he didn't think that he would ever get out of school but today proved that it was real as he put on his gown. Looking in the mirror Steve gave himself a smile. "I did it mother, I kept my promise, I hope you're proud." Steve said looking up to his ceiling, then looking back to the mirror fixing his to big gown even though it was a size small in male. Sighing, hearing his door being open by Ramona that was chewing on bacon that Bucky have gave her Steve look towards the dog and asked, "What do you think girl?" Ramona walked over to Steve, licking her lips to get rid of the grease that was stuck on her muzzle and gave Steve a kiss on the nose showing her approval. Steve laugh giving Ramona a pet, not wanting to get her fur on his graduation gown. "Come on girl let's go down stairs." Steve said, guiding Ramona out his room. Ramona ran back to the kitchen where Bucky was finishing making a congratulation breakfast for Steve.

"Hey! there he is! Mr. College Grad! Welcome to Del La Bucky Kitchen!" Bucky said feeling excitement for his friend who finished his goal of getting a higher education that his mother always wanted for him, not wanting him to ever feel that his health will limit him, according to society. Mrs. Rogers always wanted her son to never feel like he couldn't do anything because people around him will say so, but everyone that was around Steve knew that the man had way to much stubbornness to every quick so easily. Sitting down at the table Steve began to grab the Bacon and Eggs to eat while Ramona was sitting next to him look intently at his plate. "Thanks Buck, you didn't have to do this." Steve said with a mouthful of bacon. Bucky didn't pay him no mind siting down getting his own plate leaning on the counter, "Of course I did, it's not everyday people graduate college." Bucky replied back with his own mouthful. Ramona was still seating next to Steve licking her lips but looking between both men, incase someone drop a few pieces on the floor. "I still can't believe i've done this, it feel like i'm dreaming still. I never thought I would see the day of me walking the stage and getting my college diploma now, without my mother seeing." Steve said sadly thinking about his mother and her not being physically there with him seeing this monumental moment. "Awe come on man she's here, who do you think cook this meal and was cheering you on, definitely wasn't just me, I think her spirit took over my body this morning, nothing burned for once." Bucky said looking around their kitchen as if looking for Mrs. Rogers ghost. Steve had to laugh at his friend knowing he was right, in that, sure his mother isn't physically here anymore but Steve do feel her presents. "Mom and Rebecca should be on their way, then we can head out, this time making sure Ramona don't escape like she did during our high school graduation." Both laughing at the memory when the then adolescent pup ran across the whole school causing havoc, looking at the adult dog now who was trying her hardest to look cute in hopes of getting scraps. "Yea, I don't think the college officials will take it as well as our high school teachers did." Said Steve putting his plate in the sink.

Hearing the doorbell ring Ramona got up and ran to the door barking letting the men know that someone was there. Bucky quickly put his own dish in the sink, then walking over to the front door letting his mother and sister in. Ramona greeted the ladies, walking in circle wagging her large crooked tail looking like she's about to take off flying. "Hello everyone and hello to you too girl." Mrs. Barnes said to Bucky and Steve giving them both kisses on the cheek. "Hello college grad! congratulations Steve i'm proud of you." Mrs Barnes said to Steve giving him an extra tight hug almost choking the poor man. "Thank you Mrs. Barnes, for everything." Steve said returning the hug. The two siblings sat back watching their mother giving him the hug that both have experience all their lives. Letting go of Steve, Rebecca was next to give Steve a hug. Rebecca was also graduation high school, and the younger girl even out grown Steve in the height department, "Congratulation Steve!" Rebecca said excitedly squeezing the man also. "Thanks Becca" Steve wheezed out from the hug. "Ok let him go Becca before he won't make it to his own graduation." Bucky said pulling his little sister away from his friend. Becca stick out her tongue to Bucky, the girl have yet to out grow the childish behavior. Bucky of course rolled his eyes at his sister, Mrs. Barnes still can't believe that no matter how old her children get, they are still children. Steve let out a nervous laugh, seeing that it was getting closer for him to leave.

"Alright everyone is here so shall we head out." Bucky said getting his coat, guiding the family out the door. "Yes, make sure all your windows are close, we don't want Ramona to escape again." Rebecca said cheeky looking at said dog who knew that she wasn't going anywhere but didn't mind....much. Laughing Bucky said, "Don't worry I think she out grew that stage." "Yea she's gotten better with everyone leaving her. She won't do that behavior anymore....hopefully." Steve said walking out the door with his family. "Bye girl watch the house." Bucky said closing the door behind him. Ramona hearing the family walking further away from the house, walked back to Bucky room were her bed was and went to sleep waiting for the family to return.

The Barnes family found their seat as they waited for the college graduation ceremony begin. It was much different then the high school ceremony, it was a little bit more...'adult' for a lack of better word. Non the less, the family was here for Steve and to watch him walk across the stage. Once the valedictorian and the head dean spoke, they began to pass out the diploma. When Steve name was called the Barnes family stood up being the loudest in the whole crowd Bucky giving out a whistle. Steve received his diploma shaking the Deans hand he gave a wave to the Barnes family pointing at his diploma then walking down to his respective seat. With the closing speech given, everyone walked to their families feeling proud that they accomplish something  that only 12% of people ever had. Steve made his way to the Barnes family gettin more hugs and congratulations  from them. Steve never smiled or felt truly happy this much since his mother passed, but today Steve really felt her spirit around him smiling that her son have kept his promise and finished school. Bucky looked at his friend seeing that light was deemed for a while spark bright in his friend eyes, Bucky believe that Steve felt a certain burden off his shoulder keeping his promise to his mother to complete his college education and Bucky felt light himself. He kept his own secret promise to Mrs. Rogers promising the he would help Steve complete College, he was happy he didn't let Mrs. Rogers. Giving Steve a firm pat on his boney shoulder Bucky said, " You did it pal, I think your mom is smiling down on you." Steve felt gratitude towards Bucky for always being there and believing in him "Thanks Buck, without your help and your family help I don't think I would've made it." Looking at all the Barnes in gratitude. Mrs. Barnes of course cried giving Steve a hug knowing her friend was very proud for her son. Rebecca also teared up joining the hug with her mother. Bucky stood back watching them, letting Steve have his moment, he looked up at the sky seeing the beautiful clear blue color feeling like he was looking into Mrs. Rogers own blue eyes Bucky whisper, "Your Welcome."

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