Mrs. Barnes have a Date?!

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"Ok how does this look? Do it look ok? No definitely no!" Mrs. Barnes was saying to herself as she was getting ready for her date with the bank teller that so boldly but respectfully ask her out for dinner and dancing with some friends and co-workers, His name was Wade and was very handsome in Mrs. Barnes humble opinion. Running around like a chicken with her head cut off and clothes being thrown everywhere she was finding it challenging looking for the perfect outfit. It's been a while since she's been out on a date, since her husband passed away so you can't help to fill a little out of season. "Ok I think this is the one, I haven't worn this dress in so long i'm happy it still fit." Mrs. Barnes said with a victory tone that every woman gets when finding the perfect outfit for her date. While finishing her makeup, looking in the mirror she spotted her two children laying on her bed watching this unusual event of their mother getting ready to go out with other people and a man that was boldly taking her on a DATE! both Bucky and Rebecca was shell shock when their mother told them she was going dancing with a man named Wade along with Mrs.Rogers who Mrs. Barnes ask to come with as her wing woman. Bucky was starting feel a sense of deja vu when him and Steve go dancing, more so Bucky then Steve but still just knowing that both mothers were going out with the opposite sex was just to mind blowing to shake off. Bucky had some comfort knowing that Mrs. Rogers was going along with his mother, being the only male of the house Bucky felt the need to protect his mother and little sister from all males that live outside the house.

Grumbling to himself Bucky still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, considering it was unfamiliar territory, but non the less it was nice seeing his mother with a little less stress on her face, times were hard and Bucky see that on his mother face on bad days but his mother was strong and don't really share the burden with her kids non the less Bucky always try to give his mother some of the money he get from his odd jobs, that's why he's planning after graduating to move out, just to ease the burden a little for his mom. Plus Ramona is getting bigger now and eat like a horse so that's another incentive to leave no matter how many times his mom insist he stay with her forever and always. Speaking of said pup, who pretty soon won't be called a pup anymore after a few more months, she was over in the conner of his mother room sleeping with out a care in the world twitching every so often letting out little snores. Bucky couldn't help but feel his heart fill with joy and a little bit of jealously of seeing his little girl so relax and carefree while here he is, having a panic attack watching his mother getting ready to leave the protection of the Barnes home.

Mrs. Barnes finishing with her makeup and hair giving herself one final look over she turned to her children and ask "So guys what do think, how to your mother look?" giving them a twirl  showing off her beautiful dress and above all her own beauty. Both children didn't know what say, rarely seeing their mother so dressed up for dancing. "You look beautiful mom! I've never seen you so dazzling in my life!" Cheered Rebecca getting off the bed twirling with her mother in bliss and excitement for her mom to be going out dancing with a strange man. Bucky of course still stubbornly resenting the fact that his mom is going on a DATE! said "Yea mom, very pretty, you will make all the women jealous, beside Mrs. Rogers of course." Laughing at her children Mrs. Barnes replied "Thanks! now remember there's food in oven for you both to eat just let it cook for 30min and it should be done also pie is in the fridge and Rebecca remember you get an extra slice I sat it aside for you.""Why do she get an extra slice!" Bucky ask in distress jumping off his mother bed, Ramona who was having a pleasant dream about steaks being feed to her by the Barnes family jumped up after hearing her Bucky shout thinking something was wrong, looked around the room sniffing out the danger, finding there wasn't any, she let out a grumble and an annoyed huff of air for being woken up from her very pleasant dream. Shaking her head with her ears being a little to big for her adolescent size and her legs and paws still a bit to big for her to completely control she got  up and stretch her gangly limbs opening her mouth with a big yawn showing off her almost adult teeth gave herself one final shake and making her way to the Barnes siblings deciding that going back to sleep will be a lost cost.

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