Basic Training

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If Bucky could explain in one word how it was like traveling around the world he would tell you exhausting. Bucky never felt fatigue like this before, his body hurt from siting for almost 22hrs. It was hard to sleep, with nerves in his stomach and of course worrying over Ramona who didn't take the plane ride to well. A lot of the animals didn't take the flying part well, all of them not use to flying and there was a lot of stomach content that spilled, luckily the military had everything covered, having to flown animals before. Bucky knew Ramona was miserable on the plane and was glad to finally touch ground. Once the plane tough England soil, everyone on the plane jumped from the door slamming opening and yelling happening.

"Alright men out! out! out! training have begun time to get all of you in shape to knock on Hitler door and get in his ass!" Yelled 3 military men. Everyone started rushing gathering their belongings rushing to get off the plane. Bucky waited for everyone to leave not wanting to get caught up in the stampede of men, John waited also knowing he couldn't control Red and didn't want to be embarrass losing his dog on his first day.  Both John and Bucky walked off the plane with dogs in toe getting in line looking at their surroundings for the first time. Their training base was huge, people in different stages of their training was all over, some doing beginner drills, others getting ready to go out to the frontlines, their training completed. All the men was shock at what they were seeing, most never been away from their hometown before. "Alright men listen up! my name is Staff Sergeant Brown, I will be in charge of all of you! You all will get so use to seeing my face you will think I'm your mama! these two gentlemen here are Lt. Wal and Lt. Peterson! if you're in the Dog in Warfare Program you will follow Lt. Peterson! everyone else follow Lt. Wal! Understand!" Yelled St. Sgt. Brown "Sir! Yes Sir!" the group all yelled. "Ok fallout! follow your leaders! Move! Move! Move!" The group separated in their respective units.

Bucky ran behind Lt. Peterson with Ramona in toe, who wasn't at all impress with all the yelling and running, the air in Europe wasn't anything she was use to, it was colder then New York, so for Ramona, it wasn't at all an adventure that she thought she was going to have. Bucky and the rest of the men wasn't fairing any better, all of them wasn't use to Europe air yet either, everyone was uncomfortable, but this was the Army nothing is for comfort. "Alright everyone welcome to the Dog Warfare Program! I'm Lt. Peterson I will be in charge of each and everyone of you. When you and your partner are done with your training each of you will be a force to be recon with!" "Sir! Yes Sir!" "You all will find your names on your bed with training gears, today you all rest, tomorrow the real work began! Fallout! get some rest everyone! see you all at 0400!" "Sir! Yes Sir!" the men disperse to their bunks finding their beds and settling in for the night. Bucky found military gear at his bed, Bucky felt excitement going through his veins, he was ready for training! Ramona let out a big yawn shaking her fur wanting the harness off of her. Bucky turned to his little girl taking off her harness giving her scratches, "You were a good girl today Ramona." Bucky said giving love to Ramona earning him kisses in return. Bucky then reach into his pack pulling out her bowls giving her food and water, she haven't eaten in 24hrs. due to the military not wanting the dogs to have a full belly when flying. Ramona ate little of her food mostly because she was more tired then hungry. Bucky wasn't worry about her, he to was more sleepy then hungry as well. John walked over to Bucky, them sharing the same tent but different bunks, "Hey you want to look around the base and find food." John asked already taken care of Red who was scarfing down his food with drool flying everywhere. Bucky nod his head, "Yea, i'm hungry let check out our new surroundings." Bucky said putting Ramona on her leash, not wanting her to be by herself, not trusting a soul just yet. John didn't take Red, instead he tied Red up near his bunk, the Army put rope hooks on every bed for the men dogs to be safely tied to during the night. Bucky and John found the food court with a few other soldiers hanging and eating talking among themselves. Both men got their food which mostly consist of bread and beans, they didn't mind, both ate it like it was their mothers cooking. Bucky and John made it back to their bunks, Bucky tied Ramona up on his bed hook falling on his bed after washing up falling asleep immediately. Ramona was still up looking at her new surroundings, not comfortable with completely falling into a deep sleep.

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