A Guys Night Out

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Bucky and Ramona made their way to a nearby bar. Even though Ramona needed new military gear she stayed by Bucky side obediently, Bucky wasn't worried, Ramona never ran away so walking with her without a leash didn't bother him much, plus the ladies that was walking towards the same bar thought he was bad ass for controlling a huge military dog like Ramona, little did they know Bucky sometime wondered who trained who. Walking inside the bartender immediately counter Bucky at the door, "No dogs!" in his European accent. Bucky didn't really pay the man any mind and continue walking towards the back with Ramona walking by his side, The bartender stood shock at the rude American Solider, he was about to say something else before Dum Dum shouted, "Hey man that's a war hero, leave them be and fetch us more Brew!" Bucky nod his head to Dum Dum who in turn nod back, throwing back the rest of his beverage. Steve said he would meet them all here so Bucky decided to order his own drink and wait, he then turned to Ramona commanding her, 'Down Ramona' Ramona laid down near his feet looking around at the people smelling what the bar have to offer, plus finding a piece of bread was always a score!

Steve walked into the bar shortly after, he was wearing his formal Military gear cleaned up looking every bit of a true war hero. Bucky spotted Steve and waved him over to them, Ramona stood up walking over to Steve wagging her tail. Steve smiled at her giving her love taking care to not get to much of her fur on his uniform, Ramona was satisfy with the love she received then made her way back to Bucky laying down licking her leg that was itching. "Hey Buck, how's she doing?" Steve asked ordering his beverage then taking a seat, Bucky looked down to Ramona who was trying to sneak another piece of bread in her mouth, Bucky let her, "She's doing much better still a little underweight, but she will be back to her old self soon." Bucky said smiling petting Ramona on her back. Steve nod his head, "So, how would you feel taking out Hydra bases?" Steve asked looking at his friend from the side of his eye. Bucky couldn't hardly swallow his drink, "What are you asking Steve?" Bucky said trying to understand his friend plan. Steve then explain the briefing to Bucky, and his plan on making a team to take down Hydra for good. "Well, i'm sure some of these men wouldn't mind, most are idiots and love the drama of battle." Bucky said smiling looking at his unit who was enjoy themselves, taking a shot back ordering another glass, "You can ask, i'm sure they wouldn't mind helping you with Hydra, most want revenge anyway." "I sure hope so Buck, well wish me luck!" Steve said taking a breath before making his way over to the 107th.

Bucky smiled watching his best bud try to cox some of the men to join him on his crusade. Bucky knew Steve didn't even really have to ask, the men in his unit was amazing and was ready for any action. "Hey, is this your dog?" ask a woman who was making her way through the bar, Bucky turned to her with a charming smile running his finger through his hair, "Yes, ma'am it is, the best military dog you will ever see." Bucky was putting on the charm that always made the ladies fall. " Wow that's so nice, hey girl how are you, do you want a treat." ask the woman giving Ramona a piece sausage, "You are such a hero, yes you are, yes you are." The lady was rubbing Ramona head who didn't mind, as long as the lady had food Ramona will sit through anything. "Yea, she's really a hero she saved me and my unit plenty of times." Bucky said trying to gain the woman attention, but she was focus on Ramona who by now was on her back enjoying a belly rub that Bucky neglect to give. "Awe, you are a brave girl, you saved these dirty men from danger, you are such a smart girl." the woman was baby talking to Ramona, still completely ignoring Bucky. Bucky couldn't understand what was happening, the Barnes charm never failed! what was happening. Bucky cleared his throat, "So what a dame like you doing in a place like this, you're to beautiful to be here by yourself." Bucky said trying to get the woman away from Ramona for just a second, "Well I have to go girl, thank you for your service, here take another piece of sausage, bye girl." The woman said leaving pushing pass the American solider that was in her way. Bucky couldn't believe that she just completely ignore him, what was he chop liver! he then look down at Ramona who was enjoying her sausage with a satisfy look, "What just happened, you usually help me get the girls." Bucky stated, bewildered that his romance vide didn't work! Ramona just turned her head giving Bucky a look then laying down licking her lips, trying to get the last grease from the sausage off. Bucky just shook his head and went back to his drink listening to Steve and the 107th.

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