Last Day of Basic Training

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A/N: This was more of a filler, just one last carefree journey before things get real. Thank you all for your awesome comments! :D

It was the last day of Basic Training and everyone have changed. Bucky could now lift Ramona on his shoulders with no issues at all, he gained muscle mass all over his body thanks to his diet and of course drills. During shooting drills Bucky found out he was a crack shooter, he was gifted when it came shooting, hitting his mark every time, he felt proud of his newly found talent. Ramona have also changed, she gained more muscle mass, her smelling have improve along with her bitting. Ramona scored big with Scouting and Detection and Tracking, but Bucky also worked with her bitting making sure Ramona was well rounded. Ramona was a fast runner, when they had to do bitting exercises Ramona cleared the field pretty quickly and bit hard on the protective sleeves that the trainers wear when training a dog how and where to bite. Bucky suspect that bitting was Ramona favorite activity, she would bark and go crazy wanting to chase the person in the suit that trained dogs to bite, when it was Bucky turn to wear the suit he was even scared when Ramona was running to him at full speed then biting down on the arm bringing down Bucky hard, shaking her head with his arm in her mouth and growling. Lt. Paterson told Ramona 'Out!' and she let go walking back to Lt. Paterson sitting down at his side  like she was trained to do. Bucky let out a breath when Ramona walked away, yea his dog was amazing!

Red and John made great thrive together, Red scored big with Scouting and fighting, due to Red size it wasn't a surprise that he scored big in fighting. John and Red teamwork improved, Red was still stubborn but John got the hold of controlling Red and making Red listen. John have gained Red respect by showing him who was the leader. Bucky was proud of his friend, after their talk John attitude change for the better, he wasn't so unsure of himself anymore, Bucky figured it may also have to do with the Army tearing them down then building them up in to soldiers with self confidence. Red made it to his final weight and was a pretty big dog now, he would for sure put fear into any enemy that come across him and John.

Bucky and Ramona was ready to join the 107th at the front lines.Bucky was looking at himself in the mirror not believing that this was his last day in this bunker, he had his things pack ready to go to the frontlines. Bucky turned to Ramona who was looking like a true military dog, with her straight back and pose with an air of confidence, Bucky must look like a true solider as well, He heard buses pull in, walking out with Ramona next to him he saw the new recruits looking around in awe, and he remember the day he was in that very same position. John walked up to him with Red who was bigger then Ramona now and said, "Man look at those rookies, I feel sorry for the poor saps." John said jokingly nudging Bucky. Bucky agreed, "Yea, they don't know what their in for, let's go join everyone else Lt. Peterson said he have one more thing for us to do before we leave tomorrow." Bucky said turning around walking to the other end of the field. When they reach the field, the an obstacle course was setup and Bucky notice that Smith and his group was there, They haven't seen each other since the washing station incident, so Bucky was surprise to see him and his group with Lt. Wal.

"Hello men, congratulation to everyone here on passing your basic training!" Lt. Peterson said, the men cheering each other proud at themselves for completing basic training. "Calm down everyone, today is a tradition among us, at the end of basic training we like to have a competition between, Group A and Group B. We are going to compete with each other by completing this obstacle course, the first group to get all members to the finish line win Ice Cream that was flown in from Italy!" Lt. Paterson said with gusto. The Men cheered and excited for Ice Cram like children on a hot summer day. Bucky and John smiled at each other knowing their group got this in the bag. Bucky made eye contact with Smith who smiled making a cutting gesture across his neck then pointing at Bucky. Bucky clench his jaws wanting nothing more then to kick that asshole ass! Butch and Ramona locked eyes with each other glaring at one another giving low growls. Yea sparks was flying between the four. "Alright men get organize, use Military strategies that we taught you and make it as a team across the finish line, remember Ice Cream", Lt. Wal said moving beside Lt. Peterson talking with him quietly wishing him luck on the frontlines.

The groups rallied  around each other talking quietly putting their strength and weakness into play making sure to finish with a bang. When all was over the groups was ready putting their strongest were they belong and their weakness in the middle. Lt. Wal and Lt. Peterson was in front of the groups also participating with their dogs Bud and Daisy, just a friendly competition. "Alright everyone! Get Ready!, Get Set!...Go!" Shouted both the Lieutenants as they joined their respective groups. The first coarse was trying to make it across a Mine field, Bucky and Ramona was in charge of making it through since Ramona scored big in that area, Next course was Wall Climbing another Solider and his dog did that course since he had the lightest dog, and could easily carry his dog over the wall. So far Bucky and Ramona group was winning, next course was swimming the Lieutenants took over that since they knew neither groups really wanted to get wet so they took one for the team. Lt. Peterson didn't disappoint and Group A was still in the lead! Next was Ramona favorite Course and that was the biting. Two people was already in suits ready for the teams John and Red was up against Smith and Butch, Red hit hard so everyone agree to let him bite, much to Ramona disappointment, Bucky was watching Smith, who grins while holding Butch who was barking like a mad dog, John and Red was also ready just more calmer, but don't be fooled by Red demeanor the dog switch into a different dog when faced with the suit, Red knew his job and he did it well. The men in the suits starting running, and the two men let their dogs go running after the suits, like expected Red hit his target hard sending him to the ground Butch just mostly used his size to get the man down then bit down, not good skill but it works.  Group A won the challenge and they cheered and gave each other high fives happy to be winning the Ice Cream. It was fun, it's what the men needed before heading off to war. Even Group B was able to have Ice Cream just got one scoop instead of two like Group A. For all the men it felt like home again with the carefree fun they were having eating ice cream excited and scared for tomorrow.

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