New Apartment

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"Ok Buck, this is the last box were do you want it?" ask an exhausted Steve carrying the last of Bucky things to his new apartment. "Just sit it in the kitchen. Thanks man for the help I couldn't have done all this with out you." Bucky said with just as much exhaust as Steve. Both boys sat down on the couch that his mother found for him, it was one of the only furniture that he has. Letting out a breath of air Steve was finding it a little harder to breath. Bucky noticing how his friend breathing was changing stood help to his best friend. "Hey Steve you ok? Do you need your medicine?" "No Bucky i'm ok just need time that's all." Steve breath out trying not to make his friend worry. Bucky still not sure, but keeping a close eye on his friend to make himself at ease. Ramona walked over to Steve placing her nose on his chest concern about the noise that was coming from it. Steve place his hand on her head to comfort her, "I'm ok girl, I promise you guys it's not bad this time, let's finish unboxing your things so that way your apartment can be semi-livable ." Steve said jumping up and walking over the boxes in Bucky new living room.  Bucky sigh trusting his friend went over to help. "Ok you're right let's try to put this stuff together." "So Buck, how does it feel living by yourself? Do you feel like an adult yet?" Steve ask putting together Bucky bookshelf and putting all of Bucky books about technology on the shelf. Bucky looked out the window before answering. "You know, I do. It's weird just being here by myself and not hearing Rebecca or Mom around, but it's also nice to have my own space you know. Of course i'm not completely alone." Bucky said looking to his pup who is starting to catch up with the rest of her body and is filling in quite nicely and looking more like an adult. Ramona was walking around the new apartment trying to get use to her new surroundings.

"Plus with this talk about a war happening in Europe, and times are very hard now, I really wanted to take some burden off of mom even though she insist that I should stay with her forever." Rolling his eyes as Bucky thought about his mother asking him one last time to stay with her and Becca and never leaving. Steve nod his head in understanding with his mother at work more often due to many people getting sick at a higher rate then normal, he started having his own thoughts about leaving home, but he knew with college that would be harder and not smarter on his part. "Yea but you know moms, they never want their children to leave home." Steve finishing with the bookshelf moved on to another part of the living room cleaning out some boxes and wiping down things. Bucky moved to the kitchen to put away dishes that was hand me downs that his aunt send over as a house warming gift. "You know Steve you are always welcome here anytime no matter what. Just walk in, make sure you let Ramona know first that's it's you so she won't attack." Bucky said with a cheeky smile looking at his almost fully grown dog who was following Steve around the living room who found her toy box and pulling out her belongings. "Please Ramona is more likely to lick an invader then attacking them, plus she know me and love me just the same right girl?" Steve said while playing with Ramona with her tug of war toy. "Ramona would so attack Steve, don't underestimate her." Bucky said with dramatic effects. "So how are you and that girl that you were talking to at the graduation." Ask Steve letting go of Ramona toy letting her win the game. "Connie and I are good we are going dancing to celebrate my move to my apartment." Bucky answered with a mischievous smile. Steve knowing that smile could only shake his head at his friend. "Your doing your own room Buck, i'm not touching that." "That's fine pal, it is one of the better perks of living no my own." Bucky laugh.

Finishing setting up the kitchen, his apartment was feeling more like a home by the room. Looking at the progress that him and Steve made Bucky felt proud and grateful for having such a friend. "Hey Steve lets eat i'm starving and I think both of us deserve pie that my mom baked. Come on Ramona time to eat!" Bucky said walking back to his kitchen getting the food that his mother cooked for him and Steve and also of course pie. Ramona trotted to the kitchen licking her lips as she waited for her Bucky to fix her meal. Steve walked in behind her standing by the counter since Bucky didn't have a kitchen table yet. Ramona was watching intently on Bucky mixing her food in her bowl, smelling the aroma alway made her drool even though she alway try to control herself. Bucky final turned around and giving her commands before putting down her meal leaving her to eat in peace while he made Steve and himself plates sitting on the floor with his best friend. "I never thought I would ever eat on the floor." Steve chuckled as he started eating Mrs. Barnes delicious cooking. "Well pal, until I buy a table this will be the hottest spot in town." Bucky said still looking around his empty place. "Will I think before you bring Connie by a kitchen table might be a great first purchase." Steve cheekily said back. 

Ramona finally done with her food smelling around her dish making sure she ate all her morsel  looked over to Bucky and Steve and making her way over hoping to score a treat from one of the boys. "No girl, lay down. Good girl." Bucky commanded Ramona knowing what her intention was about. Ramona grumble laying down by her Bucky and Steve feet looking away from them, trying to act like she wasn't trying to get scraps but cutting her eyes at them just in case someone make the mistake of dropping food. Once both boys were finish and eating the pie Mrs. Barnes baked, they moved to the living room and listen to the radio playing cards and just enjoying each other company. Ramona moved to the conner of the living room on her bed that Steve brought her, and laid down with a bone that Steve gave to her from the butcher. "So Buck, how do you feel about this war that everyone is talking about? Do you think America will get involved?" Steve said placing down his card that he was holding and switching out for a new one. Shrugging his shoulders Bucky answered, "I don't know, the way the Germans are moving it's looking more likely." Reaching and taking the card Steve put down and putting it with his other cards he made a hard thinking face not wanting Steve to win the extra piece of pie that was up for grabs. "Well I think it would be an honor to help fight and protecting people and standing up for the ones that can't fight for themselves." Steve said dropping more cards and making a face at the new set he picked up, wanting that extra slice. Bucky smiled and looking at Steve from over his cards then looking back concentrating on the game at hand, "You would say that Steve, it would be an excellent thing to do, hearing all the praises that the soldiers are receiving is great and the ladies love a guy in uniform." "Buck, it's more then that, imagine, you're fighting for the greater good, liberating a country that is being control by an evil man, that's what war is for Buck." Steve said with so much passion that Bucky had to admire his little friend with the huge courage and spirit. Laughing Bucky said " I know Steve i'm just messing with you. Hopefully America don't have to get involved, but like I said, being realistic it's looking more possible that it will happen. I think I've won that slice of pie." Bucky said with convenience showing his hand then moving to grab the slice. "I don't know Buck, maybe you should look again." Steve said showing his winning hand grabbing the slice away from an awe struck Bucky. "How do you alway win cards?" Bucky asked moving his back to his couch laying his head on the cushion.

Ramona looked up from chewing her bone, dropping it on her bed and walking over to Bucky licking his face trying to provide some comfort. Bucky laugh and moving her head away from him smelling her breath that wasn't best at the moment. Smiling and eating Mrs. Barnes pie Steve just replied, "I'm just that good pal." Bucky gave Steve a deadpanned looked, "Whatever" laughing Steve finished the pie washing the dish and looking at the time. "I have to go Buck, i'm going to go and pick up mom from work I don't want her walking home by herself." Grabbing his coat from the back of Bucky couch and putting it one along with his shoes that had newspaper in them because they were a little to big for him. "Ok, do you want me to come along I don't mind." Bucky ask walking Steve to the door. "No, that's ok we'll be fine. Thanks Buck for everything i'll see you tomorrow and we can finish the last of those boxes." Steve answered walking down the stairs looking back at Bucky and Ramona who was standing in the doorway. "No thank you Steve you're a true pal. Give your mom love for me. See you tomorrow." Bucky then closed the door and turning to Ramona, "Well girl it's truly just me and you now." Bucky bending down cuddling with her, noticing that he don't really have to bend far to pet her anymore.

Feeling a little what his mother must be feeling, Bucky for the first time actually looked at Ramona and truly notice how much she have grown. She was getting taller and filling out to were those large mix-match ears weren't looking to large for her anymore. Also her paws and legs that use to have a mind of their own started to look like the are a part of her body and she have more control of them. Bucky started to realize that his pup really isn't a pup anymore but she is an adult, not quite but almost. Bucky still sometime see that little fragile puppy that he found in the alley during the worst storm that New York have seen, asking for help with barely her eyes open and with her little ribs showing knocking on death door if he didn't hear her cry out to him. To see her now almost fully grown and healthy he couldn't help but to get emotional but no matter how much she grows, she will alway be his little girl and Bucky couldn't help but laugh to himself as he realize he truly do sound like his mother who didn't want to let his baby to grow up. Looking into her mix-match eyes Bucky smiled and said " I love you little girl." Giving Ramona cuddles on the living room floor of his new apartment. Ramona, always loving the attention that Bucky give her, knew how much he loved her, closing her eyes and putting her head under his chin she absorb the affection. Life for Ramona was perfect, she had her Bucky and for her that was all that mattered.

A/N: So as you can see we are moving a little closer to the movie. I can fill myself getting emotional already lol. Thank you all for your sweet comments and support <3

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