Faithful Meeting

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Marvel Characters or Marvel Plot lines just my own Characters and Plot Lines.

"Why did I decide to go on a date on such a night?" ask a very wet Bucky Barnes. He heard on the radio that a storm my be on its way in Brooklyn, but he never dreamt of it being this harsh. With his hands clenching his jacket against the harsh wind and rain, barley being able to stay upright, he continue his journey with only three blocks left till he is home free! cussing under his breath wet, cold, and tired, he is passing an ally when he heard a strange noise. He quickly stopped and listen, thinking someone was in a mugging mood. Getting ready for what he thought was going to be an even worst night, Bucky looking to his right, wasn't prepared to see a little malnutrition, worst for ware puppy crawling towards him in blind faith.

While looking down at the creature Bucky couldn't help but to feel a little wary, considering not having any experience with animals. The little creature that he see making its way to his feet can only be describe as "Unique" and not the most best looking animal. The pitiful creature was really skinny you can count the ribs on the poor thing also one of its ears is standing and the other is floppy with a little tear on the end. The puppy that was getting close to Bucky feet was whining and whimpering asking for a chance at getting help. The puppy didn't even have its eyes open yet and it also seem its ears were barely open themselves. Finally it seem the puppy couldn't move, using all its strength that it could muster for its final hope of survival.

Bucky couldn't even believe his eyes at what he was seeing. Once the puppy collapse from exhaustion and extreme hungry, he quickly rushed to bend down the rest of the way towards the fragile puppy and picked it carefully with his gloved hands and tucked it within his jacket to keep warm hoping it wasn't to late. Running as fast as he can, he finally made it home busting the door open frightening his family that was inside enjoying hot chocolate and listening to the soothing music that was playing through the radio.

"James Barnes!", said Mrs. Barnes in fright clenching her heart through her apron, "What is the meaning of this young man!." Bucky for what its worth looked at his mother and said, "Mom I need help! I found this little puppy in an ally, I don't know if it will survive through the night." all the while throwing his winter coat and boots on the floor by the door slamming it shut then making a bee line to the coffee table placing the poor creature on it for Mrs. Barnes and himself to get a good look at it. Seeing the puppy in proper light, Bucky really saw the poor thing clearly and it was definitely a lot worst then what he initially thought. The poor creature was barely alive and clearly been through a lot in its young age, and Bucky was right the puppy wasn't the prettiest but he felt a deep connection, maybe because it was fighter and have spirit or maybe it reminded him of his best friend Steve Rogers with its fragile body but strong will, or maybe its something else entirely. One thing was for sure, he just hope the poor thing survive the night.

Mrs. Barnes covered her mouth with her hands an mild shock, looking at the less then desirable dog, his sister Rebecca let out a small cry of shock and asked in a soft voice, "Will it be ok Brother?" Bucky couldn't answer his sister for he himself didn't know. Mrs.Barnes all the while looked over the poor creature and did the best she could with helping it, taking the creature and rushing it to the kitchen wiping the puppy clean with a warm soft rag and discovering it being a female. With the puppy final clean Mrs. Barnes handed the puppy to Bucky to keep warm said in a somber voice," James, I don't know how long she may survive, but let it rest and feed her warm milk, just a little so she don't get to sick and then we shall see what the morning will bring." Walking away to prepare a bottle for the little k-9 Bucky looked down at the puppy seeing its Grey and White fur with her crooked tail and torn ear for the first time. He couldn't help but to smile and said "Its ok little girl, i'll make sure you'll make through the night" the puppy lifted her head as to say "I will make it, and with your help I can do anything." then laid her head back down against Bucky forearm.

Mrs. Barns come back with a small bottle and a shoe box, handed both to her son, "Ok James go take off those wet clothes and put them in the washer then give her some food, lets just hope and prey that she found you in time. From the looks of it she's a fighter just like little Steve." Giving him a kiss on the head and moving her sad daughter up the stairs to tuck in to bed for the night Bucky did what his mother said, and went into his room to feed his new charge. Once his clothes was in the wash Bucky set up the puppy shoe box bed by placing an old childhood blanket inside of it, hoping his mother never find out what he did, and finally took the warm bottle from his night stand and proceed to feed the puppy. At first the puppy had zero interest in the bottle not use to the texture of the nipple of the bottle. Bucky for the most part keep rubbing the nipple close to her lips saying" Come on little girl you have to drink, please, just taste it and you will love it I promise, please little girl."The puppy open her mouth and took her first taste of food for the first time in a while, it was euphoria! and within minutes the bottle was empty.

Bucky had to forcefully pried the bottle from her mouth and chuckled lightly,"Wow little girl I don't think you can drink anymore darling, you down this thing faster then a man at a saloon!" laughing while placing the bottle back on his nightstand he felt the strength in the female dog coming back, she licked his hand with her little tongue as if saying "Thank You." Bucky pet his little charge and watch her sleep for the next 30mins, then gently placing her down in her shoe box bed that is beside his bed on the floor. Turning off the light and sliding into his covers he looked over his bed back at his puppy, reaching his arm out and rubbing her for one final time, " Please make it little girl, I've only known you for five hours, but already you are in my heart. I know you're strong and have spirit so i'm 100% sure you'll make, so don't give up now or ever because i'm with you until the end, little girl." With one last pet he turned over, said a little prayer and proceed to drift off into dream land. Puppy proceed to listen to her new human that she herself already love with everything in her heart and made a promise to him, "I will never leave you Bucky."

AN: So this is my very first story, i'm NOT a PROFESSIONAL WRITER nor AUTHUR this is strictly for fun for me so any mistakes and grammar errors I do apologize. Hope you enjoy <3

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