Help Wanted

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Hello guys.

As I said in my last authors note I'm going through a break up right now. I'm mostly over him but there's something about him and this story.

He was actually the person working with me on my animation for this book.

Whenever I tried to get him to help me out or do animation for this book he would say no or get mad and it was put on hold for a long time.

And I'm sorry for that.

But I wanna Fjnnaly get some work done on it.

But I can't draw for shit. Not well enough to draw exactly the same all the time.

So I'm looking for animators and voice actors to help me out.

Requirements for animators:

You must be willing to do this for real. It won't be just stick figures and a bunch of scribbles.

Send in a few drawing of characters for me to see your drawings.
Such as Jason , Stephanie and your version of the reader.

After that and you are accepted . send me a 30 seconds or so animation of your favorite part of the book.

Willing to do all the chapters as episodes and continue as the book does. (It will be ending probably soon)

Allow the animations to be on my YouTube channel along with yours if you have one.


Must use actual animation programs.

Follow the book. Don't make your own ideas and put it in.

If you have people you like to suggest to voice act. You are allowed to ask me and ill see.


Requirements for voice acting:

Being able to say your all your lines.

Send in a video or sound clip of you doing your favorite part of the character your trying to do. Or any part.
(Via Instagram or messenger or some other platform bc wattpad doesn't send videos)

Willing to work with 1 or more animators and me.

Being able to voice act. (Not trying to mean sorry)

So if you can help out or know anyone that can. Please help me out, because I know you guys want this animation as much as I do.

Please and thank you guys for your support on this book. Being patient for this book and helping me out with my depression over my break up.

I love you guys

                                      - Alexandra Russo

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