school part 2

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Alfred had drove you and Bruce at your new school. You were scared to meet new people, but happy to make firends.

The limo came to a stop.
"Alright y/n, ready"? Your father asked you.
You shook your head.
".. what. .. y/n what's a matter. You wanted to go 15 minutes ago". Bruce said.

"I am scared" you told him.
"Why"? Bruce asked.
"Because , last time I wasn't with you. I was in danger" you told him.
"I promise you, you'll be fine. Your going to be safe" he said.

"Ok" you nodded your head. Then Alfred opened your door. And then helped you to your father's door. Almost every adult , saw your father and fangirled (or fanboyed no judgment).

"Why are they yelling daddy"!? You asked as you covered your ears with your tiny hands.
"Because your father is famous, mistress" Alfred said.

"OH YEAH. . BECAUSE YOUR BA...."! You were inturupted by bruce.
"Bruce wyane.. yes darling" Bruce awackwardly laughed.

Bruce walked into the small building with you. Alfred sat in the limo (sorry al).

"Hello Mr wyane, I am y/n's teacher , Mrs russo". The blonde lady said.
"It's a pleasure metting you, as you alredy know this is my daughter,  y/n" Bruce said as he looked down.

You were gone. Out of sight.
"Y/n"!? Bruce called. You were drawing a picture in the conner.

Bruce walked over and he saw you drawing a picture of batman.
His eyes widen. He picked you up and told Mrs russo,  that you weren't ready today.

Alfred took you both home.
Bruce walked in with you in his arms. Damian alredy left so did tim and Stephine. Jason was at work. It was dicks day off and Barbra was down in the batcave.

Dick notice you in bruces arms.
"Why are you back..."? Dick asked.

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