Not thinking!

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Their are quotes from the movie suicide squad.

Tim pov:

"What"? I asked
Bruce looked at me.

"Look at your notes"! He yelled then left my room.

I am leaving, Goodbye timothy'!
"Shit"! I said.
I ran out of my room.

"Way to go drake"! Damian yelled at me.
"Shut up damian"! I yelled at the demon spawn.

y/n pov:

I was walking in the dark. A few lights on here and there.
I heard a car speed by. It then stoped.

The window rolled down. A man with pure white skin with black wrighting on his face. Smiled at me, but even if the man tried he couldn't not smile. His green hair was slicked back.

"Well hello little one" a women's vocie said.
A women with blonde, red and blue hair smiled at me. Her eyes sparkled.
Her skin wasn't completely white like the man, but it definitely wasn't normal.

The man got out of the car and grabed you. You agreed with the man. He gave a chuckle.

"I like you" he started as he sat back in the divers seat with you in the middle of the two stangers.

"Your not afraid" he finshed.

You looked up to see the women's beautiful hair. So many colors.
Your e/c eyes sparkled when the street lights passed by.

"Hia.. I am harley quinn it's nice to meet you" the women said.
"Hi" you said. "I am y/n" you told her.

The man looked at the mirror.
He smiled.
"Oh we have company" he gave a chuckle.

"Batsy Batsy Batsy"! Harley smiled.
"BATMAN"! You said with a joy.

"Oh no... little one. Batman is a bad man. We are the heros" the man said.

Your eyes widen.
"He wears all black ... and never shows his face. We..? We show our faces and wear bright colors." He said with a smrick.

"And the bman doesn't smile. We do" the women pitch in. Harley had a great smile. He teeth perfectly white.

"And you know the bats nickname"? She asked you.

You shook your head making your h/l h/c hair move around.

"The DARK KNIGHT"! The man yelled as he turned the car and made a u-e. (Idk how to say it)

Your eyes widen in fear. You didn't know if was because you thought you were going to be killed by the a car crash. Or batman was after you.

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