Chapter 20

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Later that day, Minerva was under the covers of the bed. She couldn't calm her racing heart. They had cuddled all night, in the arms of an angel.

Minerva heard the door opening, revealing it to be Dark Pit who was holding a tray of food. "You must be hungry from what we did."

A blush appeared on Minerva's face, nodding. "Y-Yeah..."

Dark Pit placed the tray of food on the table. He went over to her, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Eat your meal before it gets cold."

Minerva nodded as she started taking a bite of her food. She hummed happily, swallowing her food. "Your cooking is really good."

Dark Pit gave her a smile. "I'm glad to hear that."

Minerva took more bites of her food, eating the last of it before she gulped it down with her drink. She placed the cup on the table, sighing with satisfaction. "Much better."

"That's good." Dark Pit looked at her. "Minerva, I need to ask. What is your dream?"

Minerva just blinked at him. "My dream is to become a doctor. I want to help others who are injured."

"I see. I know that this place has tons of medical books. And I can always help you get the materials you need. I want you to achieve your dream. That Pit had you put it on pause to learn how to fight, didn't he?"

Minerva shook her head. "He didn't put my dream on pause. I'm the one who decided that. I wanted to learn how to fight, and I didn't mind if my dream was put on pause of it means protecting the people I care about."

"You have the power of the goddess, Athena. I didn't expect you to have that. It was an amazing sight to see."

Minerva gave him a smile. "Thank you. That's the only time I've been able to summon her. I've tried to learn how to activate that power more, but it always makes me black out. I know it's too much for me."

Dark Pit was listening to her talk. "Maybe it's only a power to use when being put in a risky situation like the fight with Medusa. You saw all three of us fall, and you felt the strong desire to protect us, correct?"

Minerva nodded. "Yeah, that's correct."

"Then you don't need to push that power out. It will come to you when you really need it."

Minerva let out a sigh through her nose. "Maybe you're right..."

Dark Pit saw her expression dropped. "What's wrong?"

Minerva's eyes wavered. "I should probably let Pit and Link know that I'm alright. I've been gone for an entire day, and they might be thinking the worst right now."

Dark Pit creased his brows. "Personally, Pit doesn't deserve to see you. But if it's what you want to do, then I'll take you back to Skyworld."

Minerva gave him a smile. "Thank you."

The sun was setting as Pit and Link were still looking for Minerva. They met up with each other with worry on their faces. Link spoke up. "I can't find her anywhere."

Pit shook his head. "Me either. We should start looking for her outside the area."

Link nodded. "You're right." He looked up, his eyes widening. "Wait! Look up there!"

Pit turned around, seeing Dark Pit flying down towards them. He also saw Minerva being carried in his arms. Dark Pit landed on his feet, gently putting Minerva down. Pit let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness you're alright, Minerva." The next second, he looked confused. "What were you doing with Pittoo?"

Dark Pit gave him an annoyed look. "Don't call me that. She was with me, because I found her crying by herself. She told me that you broke her heart."

Pit lowered his head. "I know... I feel terrible about it."

"You should be."

Pit turned to Minerva. "I'm sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean any of it. I just... Didn't want you to end up getting hurt by enemies anymore, so I thought it was for the best if you went home. But I was wrong. I shouldn't shelter you like that or else you will never learn."

Minerva's eyes wavered. "It's ok, Pit."

"Also..." Pit rubbed the back of his head. "I didn't mean what I said about me leading you on. I lied about that. The truth is... I'm in love with you, Minerva."

Minerva felt herself blush, her heart feeling both happy and conflicted. Dark Pit saw what was going on as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "You lost your chance, Pit. You should've said that earlier instead of saying those idiotic things. But now, she's with me."

Pit grunted as he balled his hands into fists. "She isn't yours! She lives here! Not with you!"

"Do you wish to keep hurting her?"

Pit grunted as he stayed silent for a moment. He gritted his teeth, speaking up for himself. "I'm not going to hurt her again! I promise to never let her go again!" Pit reached out his hand towards her. "Minerva! Let's go back home!"

Dark Pit still had his hand on her shoulder. "Minerva, you should stay with me."

Minerva never felt so conflicted in her life. She really didn't know who to choose. She loved both of them. She knew that was wrong, but she couldn't help it. They were the same, but different. Tears wielded up in her eyes as she started sobbing in her hands. "I... I don't know..."

Dark Pit's eyes wavered at the sight of her crying. "Come on, Minerva. Let's go."

"Oh no you don't!" Pit exclaimed. "You're not taking her! She's coming back home!"

Dark Pit glared at him. "Her home is with me."

"No it isn't! Minerva isn't going anywhere with you!" Pit charged towards Dark Pit as he just dodged the attack.

Holding Minerva while dodging, Dark Pit continued glaring at him. "She will be a lot happier with me."

Pit grunted angrily. "No she won't! You're just going to trap her again!"

Letting out a sigh, Dark Pit put her down. "Wait here. Let me take care of this pest." He started charging towards Pit as the two clashed blades with one another.

Minerva's eyes wavered, seeing the two angels fight over her. The two were having a strength fight to see who can knock down who first. Pit was using all his strength to defeat his look alike. "I'm not going to let you take her!"

Dark Pit was using all his strength as well. "I'm not going to let you hurt her!"

Minerva couldn't stand to see the two of them fight any longer. It was too much to bare. Clenching her hands into fists, she screamed. "Stop it! Both of you!" The two stopped fighting, turning their heads towards her. Minerva glared at the both of them. "For now, I've decided that I want to protect Skyworld when Hades shows up. After that is over, I'll decide which one of you is best for me. I'm so sorry... I know that it's wrong, but... I just don't know how to feel right now..."

Dark Pit put away his blade while nodding. "Very well. I'll be willing to wait for your final answer." He walked over to her, stopping right next to her. "You may stay here for the time being until you defeat Hades. I'll come back once I hear that he has arrived to help you fight him. Until then, Minerva." With that, Dark Pit spread out his wings as he flew away.

Minerva looked up at the sky, her eyes wavering. Pit walked towards her, stopping right next to her. "Minerva..."

Minerva turned to Pit, slightly blushing. "Yes?"

Pit lowered his head, a slight blush on his face. "Can we... Talk somewhere privately?"

Minerva nodded. "Of course."

Both of them started to walk towards the area where the gates of Skyworld was. Link, who witnessed the entire thing the whole time, slowly shook his head. "This is one messy love triangle..." He started to follow them inside the gate, only to go somewhere else as he would let the two talk in private.

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now