Chapter 4

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Minerva just stood there with her eyes widen. She just heard Eros's true name from this unknown look alike. "Pit..? His name is Pit..?"

The dark angel turned to her, his brows creasing. "Who are you supposed to be?"

Minerva grunted, fear overcoming her and confused whether she should run or ask more questions. "I'm his friend. I've been taking care of him for a while since he lost his memory." She wasn't sure if she should be telling a stranger this.

The stranger raised an eyebrow. "Lost his memory? You must be joking."

Taking out the last of the creatures, Eros saw that someone strange was near Minerva. His protective instincts overcame him as he started running to her. "Minerva!"

The dark angel saw Eros running towards him with a weapon in hand. He looked ready to fight back as he took out a dark blade. Pit tried to hit him with a bow, but this stranger blocked it with his weapon.

The dark angel looked unimpressed and confused on why Pit was using his bow like this. "What kind of attack is this? Where is your blade?"

Eros, now known as Pit grunted. "What blade?"

"The blade that contrasts to mine. How do you not know that, Pit?"

Pit just blinked at the name. "Pit? Are you talking about me?"

The dark angel just blinked as he was just as confused. "You really have lost your memory as this girl claims." He turned towards Minerva. "Where did you find him?"

Minerva was still confused whether he was good or bad. "About a week ago. I found him unconscious at the outskirts of the village. I took him to my house, and when he woke up, he had no collection of any of his memories."

The dark angel was thinking to himself. "I wonder what could have been the cause of that?" It looked like something came to mind. "Hades!"

"Hades?!" Minerva thought that Hades and any other mythical gods and goddesses were long gone in the past. She had no idea that they were still alive. "Why would you say that?"

"Both Pit and I tried to fight Hades to stop him, but he was too strong. Pit ended up taking a big hit, knocking him out of the area. I had no idea where to look for him after that. It felt like forever trying to find him."

Minerva blinked at this dark angel. "So... Are you his ally? Twin brother?"

It looked like what Minerva said offended him as he looked rather annoyed. "Neither. I'm a dark reflection of him. Nothing more."

Pit, who was listening the entire time spoke up. "Then who are you supposed to be? Do you have a name?"

The dark angel rolled his eyes. "You may call me Dark Pit."

Pit dropped his eyelids. "That's... Kind of lame. I was expecting a badass name."

Dark Pit looked even more annoyed, looking like he wanted to get out of here. "I should've just left you alone. You're so useless if you don't have your memories." He turned towards Minerva. "You should consider kicking him out of your home soon." His wings expanded as he flew away.

Minerva's eyes wavered, watching Dark Pit fly away as he was gradually getting smaller. She was still confused on who he really was. Her thoughts were interrupted, hearing Pit grunting in pain. She turned her head, seeing him hold his head in pain. "Eros- I mean Pit! What's wrong?!"

Pit's groan was turning into agony as he dropped to his knees. Minerva held his shoulders, her eyes wavering with worry. "Hang in there! Please!"

It didn't look like the pain was subsiding as Pit continued to scream in pain. He went silent, falling facedown on the ground. Gasping, Minerva carefully lifted Pit up.

Carefully, Minerva threw him over her shoulder as she carried him to her house. She was relieved that no one was in the general area as they were hiding elsewhere. It would've been hard to explain.

A while later, Pit woke up, finding himself on the futon he has been sleeping on. He quickly rose up from the bed, feeling lightheaded afterwards as he felt himself falling down.

Minerva caught him right on time, carefully laying him back down. "Don't get up too fast. You just woke up so your body needs to get used to your state of mind."

Pit's eyes wavered, looking like he was remembering what happened earlier. "It seems like I got my memories back when I saw him..."

Minerva grunted, curious to find out Pit's backstory before she met him. "Who was he exactly? Why does he look like you? Is he on your side or no?"

Pit swallowed. "He's not my twin even though he could be. But he's more like my dark reflection. He was created by the Mirror of Truth by this woman that goes by the name Pandora. It's a long story..."

Minerva was trying to process that. "Dark reflection? Mirror of Truth? Pandora?"

Pit nodded. "Pandora. The goddess of Calamity. She tried to use the Mirror of Truth to create a doppelgänger to fight against me, that's how Dark Pit was born. But he turned on her instead of fighting me. That's also a long story."

Minerva just nodded. "I get the gist of it."

Pit was getting off of the futon. "I should really get going. I bet Lady Palutena is worried about me."

Minerva tilted her head. "Lady Palutena?"

Pit nodded happily. "She is my goddess that I serve! I'm also the captain of her army!" He hit his hand against his head. "She must be wondering where I am! I need to get going right away!"

As Pit was rushing towards the door, Minerva grabbed his wrist to stop him. A blush appeared on her face. She didn't mean to stop him like this, her arm moved on its own. Even though she knew this day would come, she felt her heart sink. "Wait..."

Pit blinked at her. "What is it?"

Minerva's blush deepened, looking down shyly. "Can I... Come with you..?"

Pit's eyes widen as he shook his head. "Out of the question! Skyworld is no place for a human!"

Minerva couldn't believe Pit was speaking to her like that. She felt her blood began to boil. "It doesn't matter if I'm human! I want to come along and help you! Please! Take me with you!"

Pit's tone of voice was somewhat angry with a hint of worry. "What can you do?! Do you have fighting experience?!" Minerva stayed silent, swallowing in response as it looked like she didn't know what to say. He took the silence as a no. "I know that you're not a fighter, you're a healer." Pit gave her a smile. "Thank you for taking care of me when I lost my memory, Minerva. I hope that you reach your dream of becoming a doctor. I'm sure that we'll see each other again."

Minerva knew she had to say something, because once he walks out that door, she knew that would be the last time. "If I can't come with you... Then will you at least visit from time to time?"

Pit nodded in response. "Of course! You're a special friend of mine! I could bring you back a souvenir from Skyworld!"

Minerva felt sad that Pit was leaving, but she knew she had to let him go in order for him to go back to his previous life. "Is that a promise?"

Pit nodded once more. "It's a promise!"

Minerva felt herself blush as the two pinky swore it. She looked forward to when Pit will visit. Pit smiled at her one last time before he made his way to the door, closing it behind him.

Minerva never knew just how quiet her house was. She had gotten used to Pit living with her. It felt so lonely, almost unbearable to think that he was really gone. Going over to the table, she saw that Pit had left his empty bowl of stew he ate earlier today. Letting out a sigh, Minerva picked the bowl up and headed towards the sink.

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant