Chapter 3

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It has been about a week since Eros has been living with Minerva. All this time, he has been helping her with her chores, and assisting with her errands. He never once complained about being tired of it, it was quite the opposite. He would overdo it when it wasn't necessary, causing Minerva to stop him.

Minerva was folding the last of the clothes, dusting off her hands with a smile. "There. Perfect." She looked over to Eros, seeing that he was sweeping the floor with a broom and dustpan. "When you're finished with that, would you like to go somewhere fun?"

Eros's eyes sparkled as he nodded vigorously. "Yes! I'll love to! Where are we going?"

Minerva sighed through her nose while smiling. "You'll see when we get there."

Finishing up chores, Minerva ended up taking Eros to the village's iced over lake. There were a couple people ice skating on the ice. Minerva was carrying two skates as she handed a pair over to Eros. "Here you go."

Eros happily took them. "Thank you!"

The two put the skates on. Minerva was the first one on the ice. "Have you ever skated before?"

Eros was thinking to himself, shrugging. "I have no clue."

"Right..." Minerva nearly forgot that he doesn't remember who he is. She gently grabbed his hands, having him go on the ice. Her grip got tighter as she noticed him slipping on the ice. "I can hold your hands until you're used to it."

Eros was a bit wobbly like a newborn fawn as he nodded. "Yeah... I would appreciate that..."

Minerva was slowly skating as she held Eros's hands. She lead the way as Eros was trying his best to stay balanced. She felt her heart skip a beat, thinking his hands was so warm. A second later, Minerva shook her head to get rid of those distracting thoughts.

Skating for a while, Minerva was noticing that Eros was getting the hang of it. "Would you be ok if I let go of your hands?"

Eros nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

Slowly but surely, Minerva released Eros's hands. He felt himself almost losing his balance, but quickly regained it. He felt proud that he was standing on ice by himself. "You can say that I'm now the master of ice skating!"

Minerva giggled. "Why don't you skate by yourself to get more practice?"

Eros was already moving at his own pace, waving at her from a distance. "Look! I'm doing it!"

Minerva waved back, noticing that he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. "Eros! Look out!"

Eros turned his head forward, seeing that he was about to run into a tree. Not knowing how to stop the skates, he crashed into the tree. Minerva's eyes widen as she skated her way over there.

Minerva put the brakes on the skates, helping Eros off the tree. "Eros! Are you alright?"

Eros rubbed his face in pain. "It hurts... But I'll be ok."

Minerva just blinked at him. "I'm surprised that you're not bleeding. That was a really bad hit."

Eros smirked proudly at himself. "It'll take more than that to really hurt me!" He posed confidently, pausing for a good minute. "Hey Minerva... Do you mind if I skate for a little longer?"

Minerva nodded. "Of course you can. I was going to take a break to hydrate. I'll be over there if you need me." Eros did an ok gesture with his hand as Minerva skated away.

Somewhere nearby the frozen lake, Minerva was watching Eros skate for a while as she was drinking water. She was surprised that he was able to master ice skating in less than a day. She smiled, seeing that he was enjoying himself.

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now